I heart three-day weekends

Feb 20, 2005 18:51

On Thursday, I went to visit one of the Bio Sci counselors because the VA program told me to get some paperwork from my major. Bad news is that Marsha, the very nice counselor I spoke to, knew as little as I did about what exactly the VA wanted. Good news is that since I was already there, we talked about some of the classes I’ll be taking next quarter and the such. It turns out that, no, I don’t have to re-take Bio 93 even though I got a C-. Marsha even told me that people have graduated under Bio Sci with D’s in Bio 93. She recommended retaking the class only if I felt that I would get an A or B the second time around because as long as I pull a C+ in Bio 94, my bio average will be fine, and would I really want to sit through that class again?

To say that I was relieved would be an understatement. And it turns out that because of the year of college calc and calc-based physics I took at CSUDH during senior year, I might be done with my physics requirement and a lot of my math for Bio Sci. Hallelujah for not having to take physics anymore because I hate, hate, hate physics with a white hot passion roughly equivalent to that of my hate of Lauren Reed. Yes, it would be that painful for me to have to sit through another physics class.

Long story short, everything Marsha told me really eased my nerves about-at the very least-the immediate future. I may not be doing amazingly well in bio and chem right now, but because my academic standing is okay at the moment and the fact that I may have taken care of a lot of classes already, my confidence level in staying with Bio Sci is steadily increasing. I’m going to go to the Bio Sci Career Night on Wednesday to explore more of my options, and maybe there I’ll get a better idea of what I want to do in the future. For all I know, I’ll end up being a chemist because I’m oddly enjoying chem lab-not so much the “playing with chemicals at 8 AM” part but at least the “playing with chemicals” part.

Or maybe I’ll call up my little sister’s friend’s older sister (it sounds silly, I know, but just bear with me here) who is apparently a talent agent of some sort for ABC who works with some Lost directors, loves Lost and Alias, and has met JG to ask how she got to where she is today (although I doubt she’s very high up on the ABC ladder if she has to ask me for episodes of S4 Alias she’s missed). Or maybe, by some stroke of good providence (ooh! Look at the vocab I learned from Anne of Green Gables!), I’ll invent some ultra super cool gadget that nobody can live without so I can become rich and drop out of college! … Yeah, I’m probably going to end up being a pharmacist. =P

Aaaand now I’m putting everything else under a cut because all that up there is already embarrassingly long as it is.

On Friday after I got home from UCI, I had my own little spontaneous S2 Alias marathon and was reminded of why I fell in love with this show in the first place. I miss the complexity of storylines and the need to exclaim “What the crap did they just say?!” at the end of every quick exchange of dialogue. They need to get back to that ASAP. Anyway, ‘The Getaway’ is still extremely adorable, and ‘Endgame’ is still my favorite episode. The level of cuteness Syd and Vaughn reach is astounding, really. After watching my fill of S2, I attempted to do some homework but ended up working on a fluff fic I just told sleepingawake47 that I’d given up on. Yeah, Claire, I don’t know what I was talking about, either. =/

While flipping channels on Saturday afternoon, I stumbled upon Kevin Weisman’s Celebrity Poker Showdown. I, of course, stopped to watch because I’m the bitch of everyone who has ever worked on Alias and was surprised to see [Wait! Stop reading here if you haven’t seen it yet!] KW out first. I’m not sure how great of a poker player he is, but I at least expected him to be in the top four. Good news is that I now have a fun mental image of GG and MV razzing KW for getting beat by two girls and being the first one out. [Okay, you can start reading again. =D]

Later that day, we rented The Village and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The former ended up being a letdown in terms of surprise ending, but the latter exceeded my expectations in pure greatness. My mom thought it was a weird movie, and I told her that she just didn’t understand the genius of it. I’ll definitely be using my gift card on the 2-Disk Special Edition when I get the time to go to Best Buy.

Today, the family and I went to Universal CityWalk despite the rain because I think my mom was getting cabin fever here at home. We stopped by this candy store called Sparky’s that had-get this-Razzles. I didn’t grow up with Razzles, but the 13 Going On 30 lover in me squealed with joy, and I immediately bought a bag of it. After that, we had lunch and went to the theater to watch Hitch, which I absolutely loved. It was so hilarious and sweet. Yes, it was corny at times but sweet nonetheless. The combination of a great Will Smith movie and Razzles just made my day.

I was going to head over to Juliann’s, but we just got back from CityWalk a little while ago, and my parents don’t want me driving in the rain, so I’m stuck here, writing this. I’m so glad I don’t have a midterm this week, but I do have a paper due Tuesday I should work on. I could also study for the chem midterm I have next Monday or bio midterm #3 that I have two weeks from tomorrow. Or maybe I could work on a fic that I’ll ultimately never finish. Hmm. Decisions, decisions… ;)

Remember how I was looking for Wonderfalls caps? Well, JACKPOT! They’re not the best quality, but I’ll take what I can get. I’m a disaster with PS, but I’ll try my hand at it again if it means I’ll have a Jaye/Eric icon.

So many distractions from homework, so little time.

P.S. I’m embarrassingly behind with my flist and SD-1 PM’s/reading/reviewing, I know. I’ll get those done sometime before tomorrow even if it means sacrificing sleeping for fic. ;) [ETA: Done with every fic I wanted to read and review except for agentamy47's Anywhere Is. It's amazing how quickly I read when I'm focused and interested. Now if only China Men can catch my attention that easily.]

family, alias, wonderfalls, school

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