Happy Birthday, Lawrence!

Jan 13, 2005 00:01

It’s past midnight, so I can officially wish a happy 19th to govvo21, my one year older twin! May your day and year be filled with, you know, lots of fun and stuff. What? I’m feeling particularly un-creative tonight. Give me a break.

Oh, wait a second. Well, what do you know? Because it’s my one year older twin’s birthday, I guess it’s mine, too. And yes, that was a blatant hint for comments. What of it? ;)

And now on to the good stuff: Lost and Alias. Yep, you all saw this coming.

Lost: Oh. My. God. Just…what?! So many thoughts running though my mind that I don’t know where to begin. Let’s keep this short ‘cause I really wanna babble about Alias.
• First of all, I KNEW IT! There had to be some explanation for all the incest vibes going on between Boone and Shannon, and wow, did I freak out when Boone found Shannon dead.
• Hurley? He’s the Marshall and Weiss of Lost but without the knowledge of tech. The entire "Pee on me!" scene between him and Jin cracked me up more than I ever have for a J.J. Abrams show. So. Effing. Hilarious. On a related note, I'm really starting to like Jin now. After the Hurley scenes, Jin isn't so much of a bastard anymore.
• Still torn between whether I should like Locke or be deathly afraid of him. In any case, I still heart Terry O'Quinn like none other.
• As for the promo: another polar bear?! Good Lord.
• This very well may have been my favorite Lost episode because it sucked me in right from the beginning, and the WTF moments blew me away. Also, this has nothing to do with the episode, but I found out today that my RA is a fellow Lost freak. Just another reason why I heart her. =D

Edited because I swear I knew his name was Jin not Jun. *face palm*

Alias: Let me get this out of the way really quickly: EEEEEEEE! That was so effing awesome. I haven’t felt this much pure love for an Alias episode in such a long time. ‘Façade,’ ‘Hourglass,’ and ‘Resurrection’ don’t count because I still had issues with those episodes. And now on to the bullet points:
• The Bank Mission: Holy crap. The accents cracked my shit up. First Sydney and then Vaughn. So, so very amusing. MV was still hot, but I visibly cringed when he spoke. And then I laughed again.
• Weiss’s Birthday Party: The cute normalness of it all KILLED ME. Sydney and Vaughn flirting and bantering easily? Weiss and Nadia hitting it off? The double date dynamic? Weiss and Vaughn playfully arguing? Marshall and Dixon arguing over pizza? Dixon joking around? “You All Everybody” playing in the background? Just…EEE! Love, love, love it all.
• The SVR in general: I like how they’re able to easily slip back into their S2 relationship. The playful banter and flirting are so fun to watch. No awkwardness at all, which is a stretch from last week. But I’m probably speaking too soon because I would bet my season DVD’s that things will not be this easy between them for too long.
• Weiss: I was just waiting for him to find out about everyone being all sneaky behind his back because it was only a matter of time before he realizes that Vaughn has no job and yet is never home. His reaction to Vaughn in the staircase was hilarious. “Dude! I knew it!” And Vaughn's reaction of a smirk and raised eyebrow? *dies*
• Marshall and Vaughn: Vaughn telling Marshall to shut up was mean yet completely appropriate given Vaughn’s level of worry. The exchange between Vaughn and Marshall in the van later when Marshall told Vaughn to shut up was priceless. Good to see Marshall finally stand up for himself because even I would’ve snapped at Vaughn if he was yelling at me like that, and Vaughn’s “No, that was good” was so funny.
• Nadia and Jack: The scenes between Jack and Nadia were interesting and fun to watch. Both actors did a great job. Also, the reveal of who Jack said killed Irina was so unexpected. Now this is the Alias we know and love.
• Commercial breaks: Why was there one every five minutes?! Killed the momentum in a lot of the scenes.
• Standalone-ness of the episode: As great as this episode was, it really felt like a Mission Of The Week. I’m not really sure how I feel about that yet.

Honestly, I’m writing this a while after the episode, so I don’t remember much anymore. I do remember, however, having that old “OMFG that was amazing” post-Alias feeling, though, and that’s a good feeling to have again.

Oh, and just because I don’t have enough shallowness up there, I’ll say this: Michael Vartan playing Exposition Fairy, wielding a gun, and having borderline CommSex with Syd? There are no words for the hotness.

ETA/Note to self: Don't go to the TWoP episode threads. They'll only bring you down.

It feels good to do these post-episodic entries regularly again. =)

I’m a little afraid of what tomorrow (or, really, later today) might bring because I’ve gotten a couple of vague clues from friends about a “surprise” that involves a blindfold. Now, that usually wouldn’t scare me (last year, The Kids blindfolded me and took me out to bowling and dinner), but because I’m turning 18 this year, it means that, theoretically, I can do certain things today that I couldn’t legally do yesterday. Um, yeah. Take from that what you will…but get your minds out of the gutter! ;)

What I’d really, really, really like to do for my birthday is head to Downtown L.A. where they are filming Alias a mere 45 minutes away until 2 AM. So close and yet so far away. I’d nag someone into taking me, but I don’t want to waste my time driving up there only to be sorely disappointed to not see anything.

Anyway, birthday or no birthday, I have a 9:30 humcore lecture tomorrow, so I must go to sleep. Night night, everyone!

ETA: Happy belated birthday to black_curse! I'm so, so sorry for forgetting. Love you! =D

alias (post-episodic), alias, birthday, lost

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