Intoxicated, the edge is serrated, so easily torn from the core

Jan 06, 2005 23:02

Yes, The O.C. was on tonight. No, I didn’t really pay attention. It was good, I guess, but I just wasn’t really into it. Every time Julie and Jimmy came on screen, I turned back to my computer and did whatever it was I was doing during the show although I really like both actors. I’m tired of Summer and Zack (but I like the latter). I’m sorry to say that I think I’m tired of Seth, too. He used to be dorky cute to me, but now he’s slightly on the annoying side.

A good point of the episode, though, was the end when Marissa joined the Cohens for breakfast. It was sweet. I commented that they should adopt her, too, which lead Roomie and I to compare the Cohens to the Camdens of 7th Heaven. I always thought Ryan and Marissa looked kind of related. Might as well make it legal.

And now for my rant of the day: I knew I should’ve taped Alias last night. It’s killing me to not be able to re-watch such kick ass Alias episodes. Sure, I have some bio reading I should probably be doing, but it’s just around 11:00, and I’m so effing bored. Today after my last class, I was so bored that I actually did next week’s chem homework. Honestly, I’m glad that I have the opportunity to be bored and not stressed out as I probably should be, but I wanna watch new Alias. [/whines] Darn school network that blocks torrents. Hopefully the WiFi is up at my house when I go home for the weekend tomorrow so that I won’t have to suffer through trying to d/l 700 MB with dial-up. Ugh.

Also, does anybody else find it odd that Gertie didn’t post any SpySex caps at Alias Media? Or even caps of when Vaughn saved Syd on the train for that matter. Every other scene seems to be there, but there’s a gaping hole where those two scenes should be. I’m not really complaining (okay, maybe I am) because she’s blessed us with so many caps and clips before, but I was just curious.

I forgot to mention that I went to Best Buy last weekend, and while browsing the season DVD aisle, I was overcome with a strong urge to buy the S2 Roswell DVD’s. I’m not sure why, but the opportunity to have the Future Max episode (complete with the “I Shall Believe”-scored ending) and the episodes where Alex dies made me all Roswell fangirly.

I’m not knocking the Alias love, and you all know I heart Michael Vartan like none other, but I’d jump at the opportunity to sit through a marathon viewing of S2 Roswell than S3 Alias in a heartbeat, bad Shiri Appleby acting and Alien Love Triangle of Doom be damned. I love me some good, corny alien storylines.

Oh, for the love of all that is good in this world, would somebody please put a muzzle on that girl with the annoying voice in our suite?! Really, there is no way to describe in words how awful her voice is. It’s loud, high-pitched, nasal, and soul-sucking. Most of the time, she doesn’t even form words. Just crying-like sounds as she trounces through the hall. Twice when she was talking (whining?) really loudly in front of our next door neighbor’s door did we slam our room door to get her to shut up, but she didn’t seem to get the message. I guess we can add “thick-headed” to her list of endearing qualities.

Just now, I heard her whine, “I need a boyfriend!” I kid you not. I happened to have the music in my headphones low enough for me to hear her whine permeate through the paper-thin walls, and Roomie and I just rolled our eyes at each other. She seems to have calmed down for the moment-*knock on wood*-so hopefully the rest of the night will pass without incident.

My first class isn’t till 1:00 tomorrow (8:00 AM chem lab doesn’t start until next Friday), but I’m going to try to get some bio reading done before heading to bed relatively early. Happy Friday, everyone!

alias, the o.c., roswell, dorm

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