All I want for Christmas is my very own Ben Wyatt (AKA The Annual Holiday Card Post)

Nov 28, 2014 19:57

It's Black Friday, which means three things:

1. My inner Leslie Knope, the one who lives for making people weep with my heartfelt gifts, is panicking that I'm already behind on all things holiday-related.

2. Thanksgiving is over, so I can officially start listening to all that holiday music I've been shamefully buying over the last couple of weeks. (Side note: The Pentatonix Christmas album is so good.)

3. It's time for my annual holiday card post! (It is the 10th one of these I've done on LJ. I have been on this site for way too long.)

As usual, if you'd like a holiday card, please leave a comment with your address (as always, comments are screened) or fill out this Google form. The latter has the added bonus of random questions, most of which have nothing to do with the holidays. International flist people are welcome. The more the merrier!

Let me love you, you beautiful tropical fishes!

holiday card post, pawnee goddesses

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