Fic: Of Domino and Drunk Dials

Oct 21, 2013 09:01

Title: Of Domino and Drunk Dials
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,026
Timeline/Characters: Post-series; Lizzie/Darcy, appearances by best besties Charlotte and Fitz
Summary: Lizzie gets drunk dialed by an unexpected caller.

A/N: I wrote this a while ago and was perfectly happy with keeping it safe on my hard drive until saucydiva used her black magic on me and ( Read more... )

lbd, fic

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saucydiva October 22 2013, 03:55:25 UTC
This is entirely adorable. I've so glad you decided to post this.

My favorite parts:
*HBIC Charlotte informing Lizzie that she's basically moved in with Darcy
*Fitz's line about "You can have this delicious non-alcoholic water" because YES, and Fitz in general, and also I love Fitz&Darcy best friend times.
*Darcy as a secret boy band listener (such a great shout-out to the canon!)
*Domino is magic because sure
*Fitz and Lizzie talking, because YES

You're fabulous and this is fantastic and I don't know why you haven't been writing this entire time


yumytaffy October 22 2013, 23:54:27 UTC
I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't for you, so damn you for causing me this stress. And okay, thank you, thank you, thank you for your help and making me do it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. (I'm not fishing for compliments. This is just legit stressful.)

I will never understand Domino, and when (I SAID, "WHEN") you watch Emma Approved, you, too, will be even more confused about what the hell Domino does.

Also, I want a Fitz spinoff series where he and every LBD character hang out.


courtknees1 October 23 2013, 02:14:51 UTC
Hello, just stalking your comments.

Bernie said in his FAQ that the EA characters were using a communications software "suspiciously similar to Domino". Like ok sure, whatever you want to tell yourself.


yumytaffy October 23 2013, 02:19:25 UTC
Wait, so it isn't Domino? WTF was that one post-Sanditon "interview" with Sidney where he said Emma Approved was going to work with Pemberley Digital on something? I don't care enough to re-read it to see if it mentions Domino at all, though.

And if the EA software is that similar to Domino, Pemberley should consider suing for copyright infringement.


courtknees1 October 23 2013, 02:41:33 UTC
I know right. Surely it would make so much more sense for it to just be Domino. It's interesting that you read something about that in an article... hopefully there will be some exciting revelations to come.


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