"It's not just good. It's good enough."

Aug 10, 2011 18:50

This is my work desk. It is covered in Post-Its, spreadsheets, and illegible notes. It is the home of endless heavy sighs, 10 hour work days, repeated *headdesk*s, and frantic moments of switching my desktop program to Microsoft Entourage so co-workers passing behind me won't see that I'm actually reading The Hunger Games.

(Side note: Guys. The Hunger Games. I finished the series in just under a week, and holy crap. So. Damn. Compelling. But that's a subject for another time. All I can say is that darlingsaila is a saint for putting up with my middle of the night "OMGWTFSQUEE" DMs.)

On topic: As it has been for the past couple of months, today's been a trying day because we're pushing up against a pretty impossible broadcast deadline. Who knew making a TV show was so damn hard? I can't complain too much, though. As the coordinator, I have the easier job in this operation. I still get to keep somewhat regular hours, and I can swan off to Seattle next week as long as I promise to keep up with e-mails. My poor boss and editor co-workers, on the other hand, haven't had a day off in over a month and catch only a few hours of sleep every afternoon. Thus, I've added "talk co-workers off the ledge" to my job description. That's me: Production Coordinator and Ledge Talker-offer.

life through (crappy cell phone) photos, the hunger games

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