Aw, here it goes.

Jul 26, 2011 14:31

My Monday consisted of suffering through an all-day Comic-Con hangover*, staying at work until 10:30 PM, and finding a parking ticket on my windshield. And somehow, all of that didn't matter as soon as I got home because this was on TV:

image Click to view

To me, this theme song is right up there with the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme in its ability to succinctly describe a show's premise and inspire spontaneous group sing alongs.

Time to make room on the DVR. It's about to get filled up with '90s Nickelodeon. Now where are the Legends of the Hidden Temple and Salute Your Shorts reruns?
Comic-Con was, in a word, lovely. Despite the crowds and forever-long lines, just being there makes me happy. There's just something warm and fuzzy about being around the nerdiest of nerd conversations and kindred spirits who will wait in line for hours even though there's a very good chance you won't be let in. (Wonderful people in the Community line, I'm looking at you.) Then there's the opportunity to tell these people who work on these shows that yes, their hard work is appreciated.

But I'll save the urge to wax poetic for an epic recap post. And I will do one this year! ....Even though I've yet to post for Comic-Con 2009 or 2010.

* My Comic-Con hangover = exhaustion, the urge to scour the internet for details of panels I missed, and *facepalm*'ing every time I heard about an actor/writer I <3 who I missed while they wandered the Exhibition Floor. (I've tried to find Thomas Lennon, Patton Oswalt, or Nathan Fillion at SDCC for years. Them Tweeting clues while on the floor does not help. So far, my highest level of success has been Paul Scheer.)

ilu nickelodeon, fangirling out, comic-con 2011, nostalgia

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