Getting back into the swing of things

Jul 07, 2011 14:30

Well, now. It's been a while since I've properly updated this. So much for that New Years Resolution to post weekly. Honestly, it's not so much the lack of things to write, as much as it is the inability to make my writing not sound like I pulled it from a work report, which is--for lack of better word--troubling.

I miss writing for fun, though. Thus, just to get back into the habit of writing something that isn't a formal e-mail or script coverage, I'm planning to post a crappy BlackBerry photo a day semi-regularly, mostly for my own amusement. Call it a Mid-Year New Years Resolution...or a photo dump. Either, or. This may also be the same concept as Tumblr? I need a youngin' more familiar with that newfangled site to confirm this. Anyway.

7/3/11: From the 2nd Annual (Sometimes-Birthday-Celebrating) Pool Party with the girls. Three hours of prep = 3 coolers and 2 buckets of water balloons = An epic 5-10 minute-long water balloon war in which we mostly gave up on aiming except for when we needed to take out secret pent-up aggression on certain friends. Fun and therapeutic!

life through (crappy cell phone) photos

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