HTML Extravaganza

Jan 11, 2011 21:22

Being sick is no bueno. I've been home since Wednesday, coughing and blowing my nose in the sad little quarantine bubble that is my room. I did leave for a couple of hours on Thursday for dinner with an old friend who was in town from the Navy, but that probably wasn't the best idea ever, as I felt even more awful when I got home.

Thankfully, I'm on the mend. Hopefully I'll be at 100% by Thursday. It would suck to be sick on my birthday. (Sorry, campjinx25.) In the meantime, I'm filling my days with re-watching Primeval ad nauseum and plowing through reading the Harry Potter series. I'm almost done with Book 4! My goal is to read all 7 by the last movie in July.

At a loss as to what I could update this thing with, I went back in my LJ archive to look for memes. What I found was a whole lot of Alias. Guys, remember Alias Finale Weekend in LA and Possepalooza 2006? Sketchy hotel room meetings and drunken candy runs to CVS? ("What kind of candy do you want?" "Depends." "You want Depends?!") The dramatic--then not so dramatic--fall of the SD-1 boards?

I'd forgotten what prolific writers Teh Posse used to be back in the day. The PM lists, quote-y chapter reviews, that time we stalked the Y,Y,Y thread waiting for oldromantic to go into labor. Looking back at those old entries brought back a lot of memories and made me wonder where we got the time to be so active. To think all that was five years ago is kind of insane.

Speaking of being too involved in a TV show, among those entires was this meme:

Back in the Day: 5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid
**A "kid" is anyone from 0-12 years old.
  1. Salute Your Shorts
  2. Are You Afraid of the Dark?
  3. All That
  4. Kenan & Kel
  5. So Weird
Who Would You Do?: 5 TV Characters You Would...Well, It's Self-Explanatory
  1. The Doctor, Doctor Who (Ten, specifically, but only if Rose isn't around to kick my ass)
  2. Michael Vaughn, Alias (Yes, still, because he's still the perfect TV boyfriend, but only if Sydney isn't around to kick my ass.)
  3. Chuck Bartowski, Chuck (if Sarah isn't around to kick my ass)
  4. Jim Halpert, The Office (Nah, I could take Pam.)
  5. Connor Temple, Primeval (Why does this one have an ass kicking girlfriend, too?)
What? No. No, I Don't Watch That...: 5 Guilty Pleasure TV Shows
  1. Real World/Road Rules Challenges on MTV (There's so much game theory, guys.)
  2. Top Chef: Just Desserts
  3. Supernatural (Just caught up! Took me 5 years to do it! And now I don't care about the characters enough to want to keep going. Irony?)
  4. Castle (It's not the smartest show in the world, but it's surprisingly funny and very charming.)
  5. Food Network Challenges (Cake decorating has never been so exciting.)
Wow: 5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won't Forget)
  1. Alias: "'ve been missing for almost two years."
  2. Doctor Who: The Bad Wolf Bay scene at the end of 'Doomsday' is still the hardest I've ever cried for fictional characters. It was bad. Like, messy sobbing for hours bad.
  3. Doctor Who: The end of 'Journey's End' when all of the companions help the Doctor fly Earth home. For one brief shining moment, eight (nine if we count Ten II) of our favorite characters are together and happy and helping save their home and how do you not get teary at this? This show taps into the sappiest part of my brain.
  4. The Office: Jim confesses his love to Pam at the end of S2, and she shoots him down. Such a heartbreaking scene.
  5. Glee: The Regionals performance at the end of S1. There was just so much joy and circularity and epicness in that performance. The reveal of the rest of the club when the curtain goes up during "Faithfully" gave me chills. The show could've ended there, and I would've been a happy camper.
"Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs": 5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart
  1. The Office (purely on the principle that it's my ringtone)
  2. Alias
  3. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
  4. Full House
  5. Captain Planet
Eh.: 5 Shows You Just Can't Get Into
  1. The Event
  2. Grey's Anatomy (Though I did watch last season's finale out of curiosity. How any fan of that show watched it without absolutely losing their shit is beyond me.)
  3. House
  4. Merlin
  5. Any CSIs
The Starting Line-Up: 5 Channels You Go To First When You Sit Down to Watch TV
  1. BBC America
  2. Food Network
  3. Disney (Don't judge me.)
  4. USA
  5. Discovery
This Is An Environment of Welcoming, and You Should Just Get the Hell Out of Here: 5 TV Characters You Could Do Without
  1. Doctor Who: River Song- She's definitely grown on me since S4, but she still represents everything about Moffat's era that I can't warm up to. Namely it's a distinct vibe that she knows more than you and won't tell you what you want not because of "spoilers!" (ugh, catch phrase), but because she's cleverer than you.
  2. Bones: Daisy Wick- My least favorite squintern who annoyingly gets the most screen time. I absolutely don't see the appeal of her. Sweets's affection for her makes me not want to like Sweets, and I love Sweets. Who do I have to kill to get more Nigel-Murray in this show?
  3. Supernatural: Little Sammy Winchester- Even though he cries less this season, he'll always be a whiny little bitch in my head.
  4. Alias: Whoren McPlotDevice Lauren Reed- Because she'll always be the answer to the "What fictional character do you want to die a slow fiery death?" question
  5. Alias: Tom whatever-his-last-name-was (Gibson? No, wait. That was Rachel's last name. I don't know, then.)- Recently, I watched a S5 DVD and was reminded that I really, really didn't care about this guy. Didn't hate him; he just took up precious screen time from everyone else.
The Collective Experience: 5 Times TV Brought You Closer To Someone Else
  1. Alias Finale Weekend where a bunch of us gathered to weep/yell at the screen/watch the Series Finale together
  2. Possepalooza 2006, which was technically an extension of Alias Finale Weekend. It was so much fun hanging out with misspacific, oldromantic, and auntof3 for a weekend.
  3. Finding out an old high school friend likes Doctor Who has sparked a renewal in our friendship. We enjoy crying over the loss of the Tenth Doctor together.
  4. Finding out friends are Firefly fans is like finding extra presents under the tree on Christmas morning--something already awesome gets unexpectedly better
  5. Meeting someone who says they like Pushing Daisies, Arrested Development, or Doctor Who automatically makes me warm to them a little faster
That's What She Said: 5 Quotes That Still Resonate
  1. Veronica Mars: Veronica (VO)- "Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle, and then you choose. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember, or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild. Because after disaster strikes, the important thing is that you move on. But if you're like me, you keep chasing the storm."
  2. Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor- "Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark, but they're wrong, because it's not irrational."
  3. Firefly/Serenity: Mal- "... You all got on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I’m asking more of you than I have before. [...] So no more running. I aim to misbehave."
  4. Supernatural: Chuck- "The way I look at it, it's really not jumping the shark if you never come back down."
  5. The Office: Michael's made-up movie tagline- "He had no arms or legs. He couldn't see, hear, or speak. This is how he led a nation." (THIS QUOTE WON'T STOP BEING FUNNY TO ME.)
Gimme More: 5 Shows You Can Never Get Enough Of
  1. Community
  2. Doctor Who (RTD Era)
  3. Top Gear (UK Version)
  4. Primeval- When did this show stop being cracky and start being legitimately good?
  5. Top Chef- It's my reality competition show crack.

Now I'm off to chug Robitussin in hopes of clearing this cold up in the next 24 hours.

meme, fangirling out, nostalgia, community, fic, quotes, alias, sd-1, primeval, teh posse, harry potter

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