The Journal of Mostly Possible Things

Dec 31, 2010 15:26

My newly-converted Doctor Who-obsessed friend got me a Christmas gift so unbelievably fangirly that I felt it necessary to post here to allow others to marvel at her artistic skills and Doctor Who dedication.

I got her a Sonic Screwdriver for Christmas. She got me a beautiful Journal of Impossible Things-esque journal and a hand-drawn TARDIS card that she drew in the time it took to marathon David Tennant's final specials.

(Click to make bigger. That's what she said.)

Not to be outdone, the inside of the card is, of course, the TARDIS interior. Ignore my clunky attempt to cover up the message in the middle but marvel at the detail.

Due to her particularly poignant card dedication that brilliantly included the Doctor's "one adventure [he] could never have" line, I hope to use this Journal of (Entirely) Impossible Things as something I write in regularly for posterity and whatnot. Admittedly, I haven't kept a regular diary since middle school, and this LJ is proof of how terrible I am at updating anything regularly. Still. New year, new goals. That's something people say, right? I imagine I'll join those same people in breaking their resolutions by January 2nd.

On that note, it's time to wrap up the 2010 portion of this LJ. This year has definitely been...interesting. As some guy in some song whose title escapes me once said: the more things change, the more they stay the same. But that semi-reflective thought is for another entry.

For now, I'll just wish everyone a happy and safe New Year.

friends, doctor who

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