In which I watch a BBC drama but conveniently ignore the "drama" part

Oct 17, 2010 13:43

8 Shallow Thoughts on Single Father
1. David Tennant's character is named Dave Tyler. This is distracting on several levels.

2. Early on, I noticed the music sometimes being distracting yet weirdly comforting, like it was okay that it was inappropriately epic. It wasn't until the end credits that I realized that the music is by Murray Gold, he of the epic Doctor Who symphonies and soundtracks of parallel world-related tragedies. His work sometimes feels too big for a show about a time traveling alien who saves universes, much less a drama about a single father. The last thing a guy needs while crying in the rain is the entire horn section of an orchestra playing him out.

3. Sometimes it's difficult to understand what the cute little Scottish children are saying. We'll just assume it's always either adorable, heartbreaking, or adorably heartbreaking.

4. Every time Tennant is in a scene with children, I imagine that, behind the scenes, the children are losing their freaking minds to be around the Doctor.

5. It says something about how much I watch Tennant outside of Doctor Who when him not wearing a suit feels wrong. Also, those damn sweaters he wears show that he's sort of built like Christopher Gorham: bulky up top and strangely skinny around the waist. I'd include photographic proof, but Google Imaging "Christopher Gorham shirtless" felt all sorts of wrong.

6. Brian from Spaced is in this, but he looks nothing like Brian from Spaced anymore. That makes me sad.

7. This is the obligatory part in every David Tennant-related entry where we acknowledge that he is a fantastic actor and inexplicably hot despite kind of looking like a mouse and being dreadfully skinny. Moving on.

8. The romance aspect of the story is really bothering me. His wife just died, and he has four children to attend to, one of whom is being all extra troublesome because she wants to find her real dad, and here he goes making out with his wife's married(?) best friend. You don't have time for this, dude. Give it another month or two.

david tennant, doctor who, single father

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