Month-long Musical Meme: Day 2

Sep 24, 2010 18:15

Day 2: A song that makes you cry.
"When Somebody Loved Me"- Sarah McLachlan: Toy Story 2 tears! Seriously, it's absurd how quickly this song can reduce me to tears.

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Bonus weepy songs:
* "Dirty Little Secret"- Sarah McLachlan: For the record, I knew this song before it played during Vaughn's funeral on Alias--I may have even hoped they'd use it when I first heard about Vaughn's "death"--so I was pretty much a mess during that ep.
* "It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing"- Shania Twain

Day 1: Your favorite song.
Day 2: A song that makes you cry.
Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you're ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite music video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you're pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you'd like played at your funeral.

I have to remember to do some sort of Fall TV Premiere Week post. So far, I've been pleasantly surprised by most of the returning shows and a handful of the new shows.

The most solid season premiere I've seen so far by a long shot is Community. It's hilarious and brilliant, and it somehow manages to switch from comedy to drama so fluidly and naturally. Thus, for your viewing convenience:

meme, community

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