Things I've been doing instead of updating my LJ

Oct 01, 2009 15:06

1. Watching my DVR pile up with new fall TV awesomeness: Welcome back, old favorites. Hello to the newbies who are surprisingly good and are getting good ratings. Not really used to the latter. This is usually the point in the season when we start mobilizing the "Save [insert show here]" campaigns. Favorites so far this season are Community and Modern Family, both of which deserve their own fangirly posts.

2. Falling in love with Glee all over again: Those last couple of episodes got me worried what with the lack of singing and the overabundance of everyone quitting and re-quitting the damn club. That last episode, though? Love. I now understand that the lack of songs in the previous episodes was probably to even our the four from last night's ep. I always knew that Kristin Chenoweth was magical.

5. Getting my mind blown by FlashForward: I don't think I've been this intrigued this quickly by a show's mystery since Alias. That Pilot was fan-freakin'-tastic. Very J.J. Abrams-y--in the good way, like when he makes the plot all awesomely complicated and before he gets ADD and goes on to his next shiny project.
* After the blackout, the bridge Joseph Fiennes stands on overlooks the 101/110 interchange I take every other day. It was deeply unnerving to see something I pass by so often in a state os such chaos. The helicopter hitting the building definitely didn't help. They were risky images to put in, but I have to give the show credit for having the balls to include them.
* Holy graphic surgery, Batman. I so didn't think they would show an 8-year-old getting cut open.
* WTF, Seth MacFarlane? For a second, I thought there was an actor who looked just like him.
* Memo to ABC: Stop telling me what clues to note. I know you want this to be more accessible to the casual TV viewer, but I was a tiny bit offended to be talked down to like that.
* Another risky move--but expected of a real word--is bringing up religion. That's going to be an interesting road.
* Olivia Dunham is going to cheat on Joseph Fiennes with Commander Norrington!
* I'm not going to wax poetic about it, but this show was so beautifully shot (see: what's-his-face on the pier, Joseph Fiennes and Beardy in Joseph's kitchen).

6. Prepping myself for The Office: I'm going to cry like a baby for the October 8 episode. Hell, I teared up seeing the EW cover and almost got weepy for this clearly cheesy and manipulative promo. It's like watching two of your best friends get married...except at one point, you would've totally hit the groom. And you'd still hit it if given the chance. Okay, maybe they weren't your best friends, but you're still happy for them.

5. Avoiding Heroes: Look, the Comic-Con panel was great. The cast seems like a lovely bunch. But when your teaser trailer isn't all that exciting, and people stop paying attention to said panel because Zachary Levi walks into the room? Not a good sign. Haven't seen the premiere yet. Apparently, neither have a lot of people.

6. Getting overly excited for Primeval getting rescued from the velociraptor of cancellation ( via @jamesmoran): Never thought I'd miss a British dinosaur/time travel-y/sci-fi show with bad CGI.

7. Getting hit hard with the realization that this internship is going nowhere: As if this epicly unsuccessful job hunt isn't frustrating enough, I catch wind that my boss is looking for yet another assistant to replace the one she's had for two months who isn't working out. Not that she told me, of course. Being the unpaid faux assistant, I'm privy to all of her e-mails, so I saw the e-mail she sent to some of her friends asking if they could recommend any assistants. Um, WTF? I've been here for nearly a year. I'm the one handling 50% of the workload since she hired this dude who I could tell from the beginning didn't mesh well with her. I'm well aware that I don't have the experience or connections all of the other applicants have, but I keep her life running on most days. Just for shits and giggles, I'm going to send her my resume and basically say that I'm planning to leave by the end of the year, so she can either give me a job or say goodbye. But I'll say it nicer, of course. I'm not trying to burn bridges here.

8. Trying really hard not to be a corporate mouthpiece: What's Starbucks VIA, you ask? Actually, please don't ask me. I memorized a speech about it, and I really don't want to spout it out. I'm just happy I didn't have to work on launch day because I hear our store had to wear cowboy hats and bandanas. Don't ask. What's ironic, though, was that my internship boss gave me her Emmy swag bag on launch day. Instead of it being full of awesome tech, among the bits and bobs of freebies was a package of VIA. Oh, irony of ironies.

9. Prepping myself for 2x the Jason Mraz goodness next weekend: Next Saturday, campjinx25 and I are going to see the (supposed) last show of his tour at the Hollywood Bowl. The day after is a free show in San Diego. Will much fun be had? You better believe it. And is it bad that a big chunk of my excitement stems from the hope of maybe seeing Nathan Fillion again?

10. Wishing all the old school Alias SVR'ers a Happy October 1st: Get ready for the nostalgic tears, kids: "He said, 'You could set your heart by this watch.' It stopped October 1st, the day we met."

jason mraz, comic-con 2009, glee, internship, flashforward, the office, community, starbucks, modern family, heroes, primeval

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