"If Billie Piper didn't have such good breasts, I would be higher up the leaderboard."

Jul 26, 2009 23:38

Four days, a handful of almost-run-ins with fellow fans in the name of better panel seats, and several gigabytes of pictures and videos later, we collectively trudge the seventeen blocks to an overpaid parking lot for the last time and part ways with San Diego. This, my friends, is what we call the aftermath of Comic-Con.

Before I go on, though, a huge thank you to darlingsaila and an_an0maly for saving seats for me and my sister, somehow stealing the last Doctor Who/Being Human bag from the BBC America booth for me, and being all-around amazing. The weekend wouldn't have been as fun without you girls! Also, huge thanks to my sister, campjinx25 for sticking out all the line-waiting and early wake-up calls. I <3 you!

Anyhoo, it has been an epic weekend that deserves an epic post to properly capture the amazingness of this year's Comic-Con. I shall regale you all with tales of accidentally meeting Russell T Davies (showrunner of Doctor Who and lovely man) and Zachary Levi (from Chuck, who was also quite nice), panels galore (Chuck, Glee, Doctor Who, and Torchwood to name a few), and oogling David Tennant from afar. (The subject line, BTW, is a quote from him from the Who panel regarding his stint on Top Gear.)

Unfortunately, said post will have to wait so that I can finally get some sleep. In the meantime, enjoy this lovely video from the Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead/Torchwood: Children of Earth screening that I didn't actually attend. Serves me right for thinking, "Meh, it's a screening of two things I've already seen. Don't have to go to that." How was I supposed to know David Tennant, John Barrowman, and Russell T Davies would be there? And that Tennant would snog Barrowman?

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Thank you, and good night!

david tennant, chuck, doctor who, fangirling out, comic-con 2009, glee, friends, heroes, torchwood

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