Why I'm glad I didn't leave my internship early today

Mar 10, 2009 20:32

[Yelled down the hall between the Elements Entertainment and Intuition Productions offices]Elements Guy: Hey, are you guys having internet speed problems over at Intuition?

Me: No more than usual.

Elements Guy: The last couple of days have been hell for us.

Me: Yeah, yesterday was kind of a bitch.

Elements Guy: Man, the gay porn I've been downloading is taking so long.

Me (playing along): Doesn't that suck?

Elements Guy: It doesn't suck. That's the problem.

Me: Touché.

Elements Assistant: Well played, man.
Rarely am I rendered incapable of coming up with a somewhat witty reponse, but there you go.

In bonus internship news, my boss took me and the other intern out to lunch yesterday and told us that when the next project gets picked up, we'll definitely be thrown into the mix. So many things seem to be thisclose to pre-production that it's making me a bit loopy. Keeping my fingers crossed that something starts up soon.

internship, quotes

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