Placeholder until I get off my sleep deprived butt and write an actual entry

Dec 13, 2008 00:27

I'm super sleepy, but I feel the need to prove in a non-Twitter'ed entry that, yes, I am alive. This past week was my first at the new internship. I'll write a more detailed entry when I have more than four hours of sleep under my belt, but I'll say for now that, so far, it's been a dream: my bosses are absolute dolls who keep telling me how amazing I am (which, honestly, I don't get; answering the phones really isn't that difficult), the other intern is super nice, I'm not stuck doing menial personal assistant bitchwork, and I'm working in an actual office. The only way it could get better is if I was getting compensated monitarily. Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose.

And because it's impossible for you awesome flisters to get me my own Piemaker or Jim Halpert or, heck, even a Tim Bisley, I'll settle for something here. ;)

Christmas Gift Toy & MySpace Layouts at

Happy weekend, all!

meme, internship

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