I shouldn't be allowed to post this late at night/early in the morning.

Oct 30, 2008 03:07

David Tennant Flounces off with Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner, Phil Colinson, and the Last Traces of the Doctor Who We've Known for the Past Four Series

I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming. With RTD and co. leaving and Tennant with 490428509423 other projects on his plate, it seemed only right that he retire the pinstriped suit. I'd also be lying if I said a string of curse words didn't leave my mouth when I read that BBC article. Just because I expected it, doesn't mean I had to like it.

I'm going to put my Optimism Cap on for a second and say I'm even--dare I say?--relieved Tennant is leaving when he is, essentially because I'm a Doctor/Rose 'shipper. I've always seen Nine and Ten as Rose's Doctors (I'm too tired to fully explain that; ask and I'll expand on it if need be). As far as I can tell, Moffat is happier hooking the Doctor up with a new female guest star every week without a second thought to Rose. I don't know if I could've handled Ten flirting with any sentient being with boobs just because Moffat isn't a 'shipper.

*sigh* I'm afraid to look at my LJ Who communities. I don't know what'll be worse: Tennant fans crying crocodile tears or anti-Tennant fans cheering from the rooftops.

More rambling on this subject later, I'm sure, when it's not 3 AM, and I haven't just worked an 8-hour shft.

david tennant, doctor who

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