Many Happy Returns!

Sep 25, 2008 20:49

Happy, Happy Birthday, littlehands!

I hope you had a fantastic day, sweetie! I'll even let you borrow my David Tennant clone. ;) (Remember the days when talking about cloning Tennant was a silly joke?) *HUG*

And on a less happy note, I can't believe I'm working during The Office premiere. Arg.

ETA because I damned sleep and stayed up to watch The Office after work: A few things:

1. I hoped Ryan would be the temp receptionist while Pam was gone, and there he was: still kind of a douche, just a touch crazy, and suddenly in love with Kelly. Them drugs really did a number on him, apparently. He had some of the best lines of the episode, but man, that 9/11 reference made me feel guilty about laughing so hard during his apology to Kelly.

2. Michael and Holly are so perfect for each other, it almost hurts.

3. The scene where Michael tells Kelly she's beautiful was surprisingly touching. Who knew Michael was capable of such spot-on sincerity?

4. *pets Toby* He is such a hilarious perpetually sad puppy. He gets divorced, the girl he has a crush on starts dating someone else from the office, and when he finally goes to live his dream of escaping to Costa Rica, he breaks his neck and doesn't even get to see the beach. The guy never gets a break, and I love him all the more for it.

5. Oh, Pam and Jim. Pam and Jim. There is not enough capslock in the world to sufficiently express how much I adore them. Admittedly, I was spoiled early on that something big would happen between them during some kind of storm, but I didn't seem to put two and two together when it started raining. (For some reason, I was convinced that he wouldn't propose until later in the season, if not sweeps.) For once, I'm glad I was slow on the uptake because it took me by surprise when Jim dropped his jacket and got down on one knee. Oh, yes, there was much gasping and squee'ing on my part. So much so that I had to rewind it and watch it again because I drowned out the dialogue. And how perfect was it that the cameras were all the way across the street? It very much reminded me of 'Casino Night' when the cameras hid behind the doors during their first kiss. *sigh* I love this show.

All in all, it was a fantastic episode. The Office doesn't have a great track record of hour-long episodes, but I think this might be the first time that the entire hour was solidly good. Really, my only qualm about it is that it needed more Mose. Then again, every episode needs more Mose.

doctor who, birthday, the office

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