Thank goodness for free Starbucks WiFi

Jul 07, 2008 20:59

I complain tons about my job, but I'll admit that sometimes the perks are nice, like free internet for partners (Starbucks code for "employees"). Woot.

* I brought my laptop to work with the intention of working on cover letters for various internship/job applications. My fault that I made the mistake of checking my flist and saw that darlingsaila posted the times for the TV panels at Comic-Con. Bones on Friday? Heroes, The Office, Pushing Daisies, Chuck, Eureka, and Mythbusters on Saturday?! I think I'm numb from excitement.

* I thought about applying for a job at AppleOne just to have a job--any job--that wasn't Starbucks. When I realized what kind of company AppleOne is, I immediately changed my mind. A semi-aimless girl getting a job at an employment agency was a little too Dead Like Me for comfort.

* Quote of the Night: Yesterday at work, I stood at the counter,viciously stabbing various vaguely sharp objects into the bottom of a plastic cup in an attempt to puncture it. After one too many failed attempts, Valerie exclaimed, "This is why you're not a vampire slayer!"

* In regards to the Who finale, well, I'm still reeling. The Confidential didn't do much other than make me wish there was more behind the scenes footage of Companionpalooza onboard the TARDIS. The commentary only makes me miss Phil Collinson. *sigh* At least I'm not angry at the ending anymore, just sad. Some day, I may even come to terms with that ending. [/dramatics]

My break is over in roughly 2.5 minutes, and I have done nothing productive. It feels like I'm back in school.

chuck, doctor who, comic-con 2008, the office, mythbusters, dead like me, quotes, starbucks, pushing daisies, bones, panicked flailing, heroes, eureka

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