Things I Love At The Moment, Part 2

Jun 07, 2008 00:41

* The Weeds/Secret Diary of a Call Girl Showtime billboard outside of my work: It amuses me to no end to see a ginormous photo of Billie Piper looking all hot in a giant martini glass because, OMG, Rose is a whore. Back when 'VotD' came out, there were reports that some young Who viewers honestly feared that Kylie Minogue went the same way as Astrid (you know, star dust and all that). I always wondered if the same kids thought that, after 'Doomsday,' Rose went to a parallel world to become a hooker.

* This YouTube Video: It's like a macros, only set to music, specifically a Swedish dance song. Sweet Tinkerbell Jesus Doctor, it's the greatest, crackiest thing in the history of the internet. No lie. I've watched it an unhealthy amount of times in the past couple of days. (Spoilers through 4x07- 'TDD' of Who)

* The Hush Sound: They're my new favorite band. I've been playing Goodbye Blues ad nauseum since my sister introduced me to it. I love their often piano-fronted, poppy, upbeat, midly jazzy sound.

* Bones: After slowly working my way through S1, I've decided that I'm officially hooked. It's so gorgeously and stylistically shot, and the dialogue is sharp. And I love the Bones/Booth UST. I haven't seen sexual tension that apparent since Syd and Vaughn. Also, David Boreanaz was seriously making me all swoony towards the end of the season with him being all protective and the like. *fans self*

* Comic-Con: So I caved and bought tickets to Friday (July 25), too, because of John Barrowman. My excuse, though, is that my parents want to go to a San Diego casino, so I'll be able to drive them there. So I'm driving down to SD two days in a row so we can carpool. I'm saving the environment! Yes. Exactly. Also, I found out that Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto from Torchwood) is going to be there Friday-Sunday. ZOMG, guys. Ianto. I love snarkyS2!Ianto! So. Mother. Frakkin'. Excited.

* White Cherry Blossom from Bath and Body Works: Of course the minute I settle on a scent I really, really like, they discontinue it. It took trips to two separate stores and an online order, but I managed to gather a good supply of White Cherry Blossom lotion and body splash so I can keep smelling like a fresh, floral cherry blossom-filled spring day.

* David Tennant and Georgia Moffet (Probably) Dating: I don't love this, per se, as much as find it amusingly semi-icky. We'll forget for a moment that he's 14 years her senior. *cough*And that DT is kind of a manwhore.*cough* They're both good looking people, and that's good enough reason for me. But dudes, she played his daughter. Her actual father is the Doctor five incarnations ago. Assuming that I can separate real life from fiction (and, contrary to popular belief, I sometimes can), doesn't that strike anyone else as a little inherently squicky? I mean, amusing in that the Doctor/Jenny 'shippers suddenly have a surprisingly solid leg to stand on (so the Doctor and Jenny did look like they wanted to jump each other's bones, and we weren't all just imagining it), but squicky nonetheless. That said, if they are going out, more power to 'em. What they do is their business. I stopped caring about celebrity gossip back when Jennifer Garner and Michael Vartan broke up, which is to say a loooong time ago.

* "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay: It is 4 minutes and 4 seconds of pure brilliance. I'll admit now that I wasn't the biggest fan of X & Y. This song, though, is everything I wanted from the follow up to the amazing Rush of Blood to the Head: a great beat, unintelligible lyrics that I'm sure are genius, and amazing vocals.


Okay, so I started writing an epic post about 'Silence in the Library,' but it, of course, ended up being mostly reactions to and theories about River Song. A week has passed, and I've since read far too many posts regarding that character. I'm not about to spend more time blathering on about her (and this reaction post is late enough as it is). All I'll say about her is that she comes off as such a huge part of the Doctor's life that we (and he) have yet to see that it makes me nervous. To the point of twitchiness, even.

Also, I think Steven Moffat lives to torture Rose/Doctor 'shippers. And from now on, there will be no more mentions of Reinette in my LJ. Seriously.

Anyhoo, on to the rest of the episode:

* DOOOOOOOOOOONNAAAAAAAA! Obviously, Donna isn't dead because 1) Companions aren't killed off that easily; 2) Donna, especially, wouldn't go quietly; and 3) The new S4 trailer kind of spoiled that she's not only in more episodes, but she also meets Rose. But seriously, the woman gets more and more awesome every week (kicking the door in? So much love), and they threaten to do away with her again. It's not good for my nerves. But really, Donna should know to never say she's going to stay with the Doctor forever. It never ends well. My theory? She's actually been "saved" into The Library's gigantic HD, just like the 4,000-some odd people before her.

* "Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark, but they're wrong. 'Cause it's not irrational." Straight from the mid-S4 trailer, and I love it. DT's delivery is perfect.

* Aw, continuity in the Doctor liking shops! Yet another one of his quirks that I find inexplicably adorable.

* The Time Traveler's What?!: I got such a Time Traveler's Wife vibe from this. First the diary in which the female keeps track of the times they met. Then, the first time they meet in the male's timeline takes place in a library, where he has no clue who she is, yet she knows practically everything about him. But I will not think of River Song as the Doctor's wife. Will not, will not, will not. Because, Gallifrey activities notwithstanding, post-Time War Doctor doesn't get married. And if he did, it would've been accidentally, drunkenly, and/or only legally binding on specific planets to Rose. (Personal canon!) I do believe, though, that if River Song dies in the next episode, it may get the Doctor started on visiting her earlier in her timeline, hence the diary adventures. But I digress.

* Okay, I lied. One last River Song-related comment: Everything about the character--from foreshadowing that the Doctor has many adventures to come beyond Ten, to the somewhat heavy-handed chastising that spoilers are bad--feels like a set-up for the upcoming Moffat Era of the show. And this is why River Song makes me nervous. Is this what we have to look forward to after Uncle Rusty leaves? Monsters of the Week that scare the pants off you and the Doctor possibly wanting to bonk any awesome female who isn't Rose? (Just give it a little while, Sally Sparrow. You would've gotten a snog soon enough, too.) I really, really hope I'm looking too far into this.

That said, I really did enjoy the episode. It was scary and funny and creepy and all-around exciting. Bring on the next ep!

One week till graduation. Woot!

coldplay, david tennant, doctor who, comic-con 2008, starbucks, the hush sound, alias, torchwood, bones

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