Geeks of the Flist Unite!

May 14, 2008 23:48

My sister and I are officially Comic-Con-bound this year! We're not doing the 4-day thing; just Saturday, the day to which everyone and their mothers go. I'm not even exactly sure what's going on that day, only that my inner geek is screaming at me to go. I think I heard that there's a Twilight thing going on, so we'll probably swing by that. I'm so, so very excited for all of the geekiness.

Hmm, I wonder if there'll be any significant Doctor Who or Torchwood representations there. Us Americans have some ways to go with catching on to the British sci-fi.

Anyway, anybody else planning to go? I think I remember darlingsaila saying she's going. And you, misspacific, my other Comic-Con buddy? Any way we can somehow get you to SD for that weekend? *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

In other news, I am So. Mothereffing. Excited. About tomorrow's Office finale. The previous seasons' finales did not disappoint. I don't expect this season's to be any less amazing. *bounces*

ETA: According to littlehands (thank you, Lia!), John Barrowman is going to be at Comic-Con on Thursday and Friday. Damn you, Barrowman! Who appears at Comic-Con on Thursday and Friday but not Saturday?! *shakes fist at him*

doctor who, comic-con 2008, torchwood, the office

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