My capslock button and I need to be separated

Apr 07, 2008 02:40

Tonight, my sister and I went to the Jason Mraz concert at the Troubadour (which was the greatest show ever, BTW) and met/hugged FREAKING NATHAN FILLION AND ALAN TUDYK.

Those names probably mean absolutely nothing to those who didn't watch Firefly, but trust me: they're awesome. For the love of cripes, it was NATHAN FILLION. AND YES, I TOTALLY FANGIRLED OUT IN FRONT OF HIM. I also came thisclose to feeling up his muscles, but chickened out. I did surreptitiously feel a manboob when I was taking a picture with him.

More details/pictures when I get a few hours of sleep in me and when I stop freaking out about MEETING NATHAN FREAKING FILLION. BECAUSE HE'S SO AWESOME THAT HIS NAME SHALL ALWAYS BE CAPSLOCKED. And Alan Tudyk is also awesome but is admittedly overshadowed at the moment.


I think I should go to bed now.

serenity, jason mraz, fangirling out, concerts, firefly

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