Nov 25, 2003 00:09
WEll lets see they(my therapy program) fired my case manager. So now i have a new lady whom knows nothing about me, Plus now that the fired her the finacial situation we had they changed it and now i can't go back till i get on disability so that sucks hardcore. THe bands seems to be coming together i might be moving to bass instead of guitar and i'm doing back up vocals and i'm writing some songs i'm gonna post one one here tonight. I havren't been abl;e to get ahold of bronwen i'm worried about her so i keep calling but i can't get ahold of her anyhow. I'll get ahold of her in time though i just hope she;s okay.
here's the new song/poem i better get some feed back one this or i'm gonna stop posting them cause its pointless without input.
my heart lies hear carved
hope crushed, crossed out, broken down
i wont let you go
you wont get off that easy
i wont let you go
your surefire tactics destroy me worked marvelously
our story book existesces went up in flames
my hands are burnt from picking up the peices
i hope this message of malice
gets through to you and
you fall into 1,027 peices
and i will burn each and evry last one
this is kinda the direction were taking things in a dark and tormented used and abused but defiant and violent.
i guess thats what you''d call it paul writes alot about mental ilness and dark rudimentary peni imagry but he's slowly changing. so comment comment comment or else no more poems or songs.