I listened to
Amy Goodman interview Col. Janis Karpinski on CITR today. It was very interesting.
Oh, and I hate metal, most punk and what they now (or always have) called "noise". Curse my EXQUISTE CORPSE loving co-worker, may his eardrums implode!!
I deleted photoshop from ol' Mavis yesterday so I could download more music. I only have an 8 gig hard drive, I know that's really pathetic right. (wanna buy me new one?)
I'm cutting my hair short one more time before I grow it out. I don't feel right being overweight and with short hair, it doesn't look feminine on me. In fact I feel outright unbalanced!
My personality is already blunt, (overbearing if you will), coarse and large so I need my outward appearance to balance it out by being smaller (thinner) and more feminine. Does that make sense.
I'm also thinking of going blonde because, well, why not *L*
Who's heard Jamiroquai's latest album?
Oh, and said co-worker was regaling me with tales of his time dating Esthero. I like her music.
Who's going to Body Perve this Saturday?