Aug 23, 2010 15:02
So my eating ability lately has sucked. Basically I'd rather be hungry than worry that something is going to get stuck and make me miserable. But I did find one loophole. When I have a glass of wine (or two) before I eat things seem to go down more easily. I don't know if it has anything to do with dilation of the blood vessels that supply my stomach, or if I just relax and I don't tense up before I eat, but in either case, it works. So I went to my PA (physicians assistant) and asked for some help. I was thinking Valium, or one of the benzo's, but alas she decided that Celexa (or citalopram) would work to decrease my anxiety. But so far I'm not liking this...I feel woozy. And if it does anything to make me into an asexual toad again I'll stop, consequences be damned. I'm at work and I'm feeling like, I don't have to do anything if I don't want to, which I know is not conducive to profit. GRRR. Anyone have a perfect six figure salary job that I could take on a tropical island available?