Nov 24, 2009 16:05
My new little sister, that we are aiming for adopting in December, will be named Callie, middle name Michelle, other middle name her Chinese name. Just Callie, though, not like short for anything.
This is pretty cool. Name choosing is a huge step in this process.
And she's two and a half, and she's really cute, and, well, yeah.
But I'm not exactly fond of the name Callie. IDK, maybe it's because I know someone named Callie and it would be weird to have a sister named that, because I'd always think of the other girl. Not that the other Callie is mean or bad, but it's just weird. My mom says that it was one of the names I had on my list of names I liked, but I really don't remember that.
She nver actually told me, "We're naming the girl Callie." We were at a family friend's birthday party and I overheard her mention the name Callie. Of course, I at first thought that Callie might have been some sort of slang for, like, baby.
So I ask her once we get in the car, "Did I hear you say we're naming her Callie?"
And she's like "Yep. Callie Michelle."
I would have infinetly preferred more, uh, sophisticated/eloquent names like... Evelyn. There are more names that I really like, most of which start or end with A, haha, but Evelyn is a name that has always really appealed to me. Ever since I met this really pretty girl named Evelyn, that is.
But yeah. this is pretty exciting.
names and junk,