Funeral thoughts & update

Feb 15, 2005 13:26

First off, I want to thank you all for your kind thoughts & remarks, you can't imagine how much it means to me. Warm fuzzies to you all.

I arrived in Cincinnati with little to no fanfare or problems, minus an hour layover in Detroit, during which I got ketchup in my hair while eating a burger (no, I have no idea how I got it in my hair, just call it talent). As soon as I got to the terminal, I saw that Daddy had joined Mom & my stepdad to say hi, which was really nice since I haven't seen Daddy since our wedding in May. He & my stepmom will be coming to Grandma's visitation & funeral, which is also very nice since he didn't have an obligation to do so.

Grandma's visitation is set for Wednesday evening, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. The funeral mass is set for Thursday at 10 a.m. After we left the airport, we went to the church to plan the liturgy for Grandma's funeral mass. I'm supposed to do a reading, but I'm not really sure how I'm supposed to make it through without crying. God, give me strength. My best girlfriend, Angi, came over last night & sat talking to me for about 2 hours before she left to go home & work on a lab report. She was a welcome distraction & I love her very much for always being there for me. Thank God for good girlfriends!

Grandma's will wasn't signed in time before she died (one day before she went into the hospital, she & Mom went to a lawyer to get the will drafted, but then Grandma was in a coma from the morphine so she wasn't competent to sign it) so now it's going to be WWIII among my mom's 6 other brothers & sisters, when Grandma wanted only my mom & one of my uncles (incidentally, my favorite one) to execute the will & receive everything. My family's almost entirely a bunch of drunks & sponges so I know this isn't going to go well. Half of the family's already asked if I can help with executing the will, but I don't have any knowledge of probate law & even if I did have the ability to practice law, it would probably look biased (and they'd be correct in calling me biased because I don't think that the majority of my family deserves a red cent).

Mom's doing okay, constantly talking on the phone to family members & taking care of business. I'm not crying much, but when I saw a picture of Grandma on the funeral home website, I burst into tears. Most of the time, though, I'm okay--more numb than anything. I'm trying to make Mom eat & made her breakfast. She's definitely not taking care of herself & she can't even sleep because she's so upset. I wish there was something I could do to help ease her pain, but how on earth could I take away the pain of her losing her only living parent?

Well, this was supposed to just be a quick update & it ended up being a small novel. Take care of yourselves & remember how precious & uncertain life is. We seem to take for granted that life will last forever & that our loved ones will always be there with us until misfortune strikes. That's my advice for today :)
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