Nov 16, 2004 20:33

I'm so damn happy. I FINALLY have a job again! It's a temporary job, but that's all I need since we're planning to move in January or, at the latest, February. Yesterday, I got a call from a temp agency that I didn't even know I was still active with & they set me up with an interview for today. Before I even got out of the mall (I'm working at a mall management office in Bethesda), my agent called & said I got the job & they want me to start tomorrow! It's a receptionist position & even if it won't be that exciting, or even pay an outstanding amount, at least I'll have money to pay student loans, have groceries, pay for Dustin's traveling expenses (we're flying him with us to Cincinnati) & vet bill (gotta get him up to date so that he's ready to fly), Christmas presents, & a security deposit for a house in Salisbury. I have to figure out how we're going to afford Thanksgiving dinner, but dammit, we're going to celebrate--I'm glad to have something to be thankful for, for once (okay, that's not true, I have a lot to be thankful, but money really helps us out!). :)

Now I have a weekend of more Trivial Pursuit to look forward to--Barry, you'd better rest up, we've got a few hours of ass kicking ahead of us! :D (And yes, the board is still set up from last weekend!)
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