So many thoughts filled my head tonight. It was nice to just mediate and listen to Radiohead soothe me while I pasteled. Man, I'm starting to love pastels. It's like painting with your fingers! Plus it's easy to erase!
I've been such an introvert lately. I haven't put on a nice outfit in dayssss. I kinda like it though. A couple of years ago, this would bother me to no end. I'd wonder why my so called "friends" never dialed my number or if they even thought about me. I'm pretty happy though. I've occupying myself with the goal to be productive like teach my puppy how to high five, plan an attack on VENTURE OUT TO SAN FRAN 09, finish art projects...annnnnnnd I've been kind of glued to my computer.
Lately I've been developing a fondness for horrific, bizarre and sometimes ultra violent art and anime. There's so many new things I've discovered from the
I've been out of the anime loop for so long. Watching what everyone raves about nowadays kept me at bay. But people on the net have opened my eyes to a whole new world of underground anime. It's beautiful and truly exciting.
I downloaded Wicked City last night and just watched the first five minutes and had to share this still with you guys.
Topless alien monster with a garder belt and a coochie with teeth. awwwwwww yeaaaaaah halloween costume '09.
WATCH THE TRAILER. omg I'm so pumped to finish it!
Click to view
I'm also rewatching Akira and could go on and on about how fluid and gorgeous the animation is. Especially for 1988. Drool.
On this new craze of mine, I discovered new artists like Imiri Sakabashira.
More at I need to go completely bat shit crazy on a piece and draw creatures from my imagination. Hello, new years resolution.
I also rediscovered manga artist, Shintaro Kago I had read one of his works before and was mindfucked totally.
Link to the first manga I read by him: I watched this independent anime called Midori on It amazed me even more knowing that the creator of the film could not find a soul to fund the project so he devoted his whole life's savings on something he believed in and single handedly drew the anime by himself. I highly recommend watching it. But it's graphic and totally insane. So only if you're in that sort of odd mood like I am.
My next I invite you all to draw and become insane with me.
This morning I had a dream that I attended a Barack Obama speech in a college like auditorium. I think I walked up to give him a high five or something and he like raised my arm in front of everyone like we just conquered something or I won a boxing fight. And everyone cheered I think, but I forgot to shave my pits so I was really hoping no one saw. WUT.