electric shocks on aching bones

May 16, 2011 00:21

Figured I should complete the 2010 entries (yeayea I know it's almost mid-2011 shut up) before I start on the later ones. ¿Si?

18th September: LY's mum's birthday!

Where this happened:

And Yijie puked almost all of himself out. And I think it's from then on that he's had a slight phobia of cake and whatnot.
We had a damn expensive dinner at Peach Garden. Overrated, in my honest opinion.

19th September: Bay Escapade!! The event I was stressing over for half the sem. Haha. The annual event I've attended in year 1, been a GL for in year 2 (and met so many awesome people), organized in year 3. Wonder what I'm going do for BE 2011 in year 4 ; )

Picture w credit to Chula and his (then) spanking new d90 ;D

2nd October: Nison's 21st!

His gay cake. Haha.

22nd October: Lulu's 21st

14th November: Brunch at Prive!


I'm beginning to think I can do all these at a much lower cost -.- What with the new toaster oven we have. Haha.

KH's poached eggs dropped onto the table but didn't break! Amaaazing.

I headed back to school for... project meeting (I think) after that. How sad.

21st November: Brunch at Rider's!

Blogged about it already: here

26th November: Papa's 52nd!

Dinner at Muthu Curry. Damn spicy cannot tahan! Hahaha. I like the non-spicy cabbage though! : ) : )

The party : )

27th November: Yijie's 3rd!


Ride of his life. Hahaha. I have a damn funny video to prove how dumb he was when riding the motorbike hahaha I laughed till my tummy ached.

He didn't know how to clasp his fingers together haha.

21st December: Ippudo with Jpoh & Xueer! : ))

So awesome :D

21st December: Potluck + Gift Exchange w the Gang

Sorry, I think I can make better lemon tea than pacific coffee. Cheaterbugs!

Potluck :D

Gift exchange (:

The coin purse that SL gave me!!! Serving me really well here because I have so many eurocoins!

:) Friends to keep.

23rd December: SMUX AGM + Christmas Party

Taken pictures for them the 2nd year in a roll wonder if I'm gonna do that this year mmm :)
Almost got into an accident before that 'cos this stupid Mini? Volkswagen? (cannot rmb la) dashed into my lane as I was trying to beat the green (but I knew it was gonna amber soon). Damn pissed I honked at her damn long she didn't dare to look hahaha and it was quite dangerous 'cos the taxi behind me screeched to a stop. So my long honk was warranted. ;)

And reuniting with my dearest FOD friend Evelyn he hehe <3
Got candle-holders for the gift exchange. Don't know what to do with 'em.

26th December: Annual Sunglade Christmas Party

I love my family so much so much.
And the cat visits us every year so cute hahaha. No long-sleeves for BBQs, remember that dear readers.

Where was LY... I think he was working.

27th &28th December: Post Exam Expedition 2010 : )

Stupid Hantu had no light at all the toilet was quite scary I kept saying "ehhh... you wanna go shower now? 'cos there's still light and I don't care if I will perspire after BBQ I wanna shower when there's still light!". Hahaha. Yea I spook myself out like that.

My ride for 2 days. So shiok 'cos I got to drive it. And I love love love the first picture for the loveliest background you can ever get. Yea, beats churches and astronomical clocks I feel.

Oh yea, didn't kayak 'cos I just did lasik a few weeks ago and I thought I should rest uh huh uh huh maybe part of me was lazy too I don't know. ;p


I love these two. <3

Monopoly Deal marathon! This was how we played: with lightsticks, nightlamps, and aluminium foil. Haha.

That felt good. I'll start on Jan '11 hurhur :)

Say hi if you're reading?

smux, fun(:, food, family!, pictography, lovely things, kayaking, of birthdays

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