I'm not dead!

Oct 07, 2009 04:52

Damn it has been a long time since I last updated... sorry guys. My schedule has been hectic and I made the mistake of taking two foreign language courses at once... NEVER TAKE TWO LANGUAGES AT ONCE UNLESS YOU WANT TO KILL YOUR BRAIN!!!!!

Honestly the only reason I'm updating is because of... yep... INSOMNIA!!! xD

Anyways... update... hmmm...

1. Schedule: MWF @10-11 = Japanese Lit in Translation
M-F @12-1= Korean 201
M-F @1-2= Japanese 203
Tues @5-8 and Sat @10-2= Medieval Combat
Thur @8-9= Taekwondo
Fri @6:30 = Shabbat services

2. Yes I have actually been going to Shabbat services and really thinking about converting.

3. Yes I have been doing medieval foam fighting combat and yes it hurts like a bitch and no I won't stop just because it hurts...

I'm am auxiliary to a unit called Black Company and my first big event is this weekend called Octoberfest... I'll be sure to get a report up with pics afterward.

4. Physically I have been holding up. Working out everyday and can actually do some push ups again! (100 in a 24hr period in sets of 10) ... although I will admit I have been in and out of the hospital coping with flare ups. Call me stupid...but I'm getting stronger and I'm living my life instead of bitching.

5. I met a guy a little over a month ago that is in my unit and I can't believe I'm admitting this... but I may be interested in dating him. He's a firefighter and an EMT... he's looking for work out in the MD area and so if he ends up moving out that way... yeah... who knows.

6. It's 100% official! I'm moving back to MD permanently at the end of December!!!
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