I'm alive. Still.

Mar 07, 2008 21:15

So, this week is somehow over, but somehow it isn't at all. Because weekend is just going on with killing me.... on and on and on and the next week is not going to be any better. Not at all. Much more worse, if anything.
But I'm okay with that, I'm kind of used to it by now.

Even though I'm fucking scared of Tuesday Oo" ..... I don't even want to think about that day. And anyways, I'd better think of Monday first, because Monday is going to be horrible as well. I'll spend my weekend on doing maths and latin and arts and start to get some things in my head for the four tests I'm going to write on tuesday, as well as the exam that day.
I'm not quite sure if it's allowed to do that... But, there's no way to avoid it. So, yes. Ask me again when the next week is over, because then I'm officially alive again. Hopefully.

Yes.... Today was quite funny. First of all, I was chosen to hold the speech at our prom. No comment to that.

But even funnier was when I got a call from work straight after school. And they asked me to do a modeljob. Hahahaha. So, yeah, thanks, but NO WAY! I won't do a modeljob. But the best thing about it was they wanted me to do it in underwear. Hahaha again. That's SO DAMN CRUEL.
No way.
No way.
But because I don't take part in it that way, I'll just organize it, so I'm okay with that (YES, there are actually people at our company DOING it.).... So, yeah, our company is quite desperate by now~ people just don't like to spend money on clothes anymore, we don't sell enough and now they try to get costumers THAT way: Show your workers in underwear in the shop's showcase.
Oh please, it's so poor <<".... Well, I love some of the people there, I really do so, but I'll leave in october anyways, so... do whatever you want.

A modeljob..... XD It's so amusing, just imagine ME in underwear in a showcase!!!! That imagination alone is cruel, too cruel.
Whatever, I can still laugh, life didn't kill me so far, so... ^_^
Keep smiling, say Sunshine, you know how I keep myself alive~

Everyone, Hora, Oyasumi!!!!!

PS: And finally.... today Gazette got me with Guren. I bet there's a connection to the underwear, I'm pretty sure XD ^^
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