Feb 02, 2008 20:41
I've spend a lot of money on a Playstation2 today... because I just needed one again. I couldn't go on without one XD
And... Am I the only one who thinks it's funny, Sasori.com is a porn site?
I mean... It actually IS funny that Nao has that on his Shirt, isn't it? ... He advertises porn XD I really think, it's funny, but it seems I am the only one O.o"
Whatever... I've made myself happy with buying a Playstation2... and that's much more important than what Nao wears XD ^^
Awwww~ Life is a wonderful thing <3
And.. much more important today than Nao was that yasu is a wonderful person... aw. (No, Kouri, it doesn't mean I love him more than I love Nao ^^) Such a wonderful person... Every vocal out there who writes lyrics should be like him XD
... I know now why he is that awesome. He's just caring. (Okay, I already knew why he is an awesome man before, but yeah... I've just noticed it again today XD)
(Besides... yasu likes porn, too. And I'm sure he likes it much more than Nao XDDDDD Because he's just yasu... oh, Yasunori, you made me feel so hot with Labyrinth ... *sigh*)
Had a wonderful day... <3 Cause you're my everything... ^.~
Koko kara arukidasou... <3 ^^