Dec 15, 2011 22:14
You see, I woke up really late today (I woke up at the time by which I usually leave). So, I had to go to school late. At first, I was wishing to see my crush during recess, but then, we had to practice for something so I was like "fail TT∩TT" but before they got up, I was able to see him just a little bit (all I saw was his back, it's as if he just popped up suddenly). Then, before lunch time, because our teacher wasn't there yet (so it was free time~), we started decorating our classroom. I stayed outside because my crush's section also started decorating and he was outside. But, at some point, I had to stay inside because nobody was decorating outside anymore. Then, during dismissal, I stayed in the canteen with a couple of friends. At some point, Maikun suddenly stood behind me. He was asking the one I was with to accompany him somewhere. At first, this friend refused. Then joked me to accompany Maikun instead (when Maikun left). I agreed but then refused to leave the school because they might not let me enter anymore. :\
Oh yeah, as of right now, I have LSS for If I Die Young because it reminds me so much of my crush. The song's theme isn't what reminds me of him. It's in the title. :3
Anyways, other than that, I think me and my former best friend won't ever get back to the old ways. After I've tried what I could to return it and failing miserably, I think she's hurt me enough. Her open rejections are quite painful. And earlier today, while we were sitting on the floor to practice some more, a friend wanted to show me something so I had to lean forward and because this other one was asleep, I might have accidentally hit her although I didn't feel anything. It could have been my hair. I only found out when she suddenly cursed me, of course, because we weren't joking about anything (which is the only time I pretend those words don't mean anything) I asked her what her problem was. She didn't answer. And the whole time after that, she did her best to avoid me.
Oh, and our tests start tomorrow =_=, now I need to wake up really early to do Misa de Gallo. I want to try it out. Maybe, if I complete all 9 days, Maikun will be mine ;) lol, just kidding. I just want to try completing it. Since I missed the 8pm one, I have to attend the 3 or 4 am one. =_= Oh boy....
Also, I found it so amusing how in The Alchemyst, they mention "Gilgamesh and Cuchalain". It reminds me of how they both ended up serving Kotomine in Fate Stay Night. :3
Another thing that happened today was that I had a weird dream. It's like the third zombie dream I've had. Well, zombie invasion. All I remember was it just suddenly happened and that me and whoever was my companion (my companion kept changing but Maikun was never in it) were looking for safe places. And at some point, it made my heart race fast (I'm not sure if in reality or just in the dream). I also remember complaining about my long hair because it felt so heavy. Me thinks that's because I moved my head and my hair got pulled a little.
the secrets of the immortal nicholas fla,
fate stay night,