Title: Coming out of the closet
Pairings: QMi, HanChul, EunHae
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crack
Summary: Zhou Mi finally decides to tell everyone that he's in fact gay. And with his confession other secrets comes out, secrets that wasn't supposed to be told. Includes a petrified Eeteuk, a stunned Heechul and a confused Donghae.
Disclaimer: I wish the boys were mine, but they're not.
A/N: My first crack xD fuck, I should sleep, instead I'm here writing this. Hope you like it!
"There's something I want you to know," Zhou Mi said to the group of 14 people, who sat on the floor on cushions and such in front of the big tv.
They all had been called to the second floor by Zhou Mi, and was now looking at him interestingly. Zhou Mi paused, slightly embarrassed.
"Well, what is it?" Kangin asked. "You said it was quite important so-"
"You're not quitting are you?!" Sungmin asked, slightly panicked.
Zhou Mi shook his head and gave him a weak smile. "It's not anything about something like that." he said, then looked at Hankyung - eyes begging for help.
The others now turned to Hankyung.
"Wait, Hankyung do you know what he want to say?" Heechul asked.
Hankyung nodded, "I do, he told me yesterday. But I want him to say it by himself."
Zhou Mi groaned, and the others started to encourage him. Suddenly it was so much noise in the room, and Zhou Mi groaned as he spoke out loudly;
"I'm gay!" The room fell quiet, and Zhou Mi sunk to the floor.
"WHAT?!" It was Yesung, "Are you gay?! For real?"
Heechul hit him on the head, "Idiot..." and Yesung pouted back at him.
"Are you sure?" Eeteuk asked carefully, and Zhou Mi nodded.
Everyone was completely shocked, staring at Zhou Mi with wide eyes, everyone except Hankyung, Heechul and Kyuhyun - which Donghae noticed;
"Hey, why aren't you surprised?" he asked the three of them, pointing his finger in their direction, making heads turn their way.
Heechul shrugged, "Well, you must be an idiot for not noticing that he's gay. I mean, he's acting 100% like a girl. Plus Hankyung told me before, so I wasn't really surprised."
"Does he act girly?" Eunhyuk said quietly and looked like he started to think really hard suddenly, "Oh... yes, you're right. He do act girly." Heechul snorted at him.
"But how did you know Kyuhyun?" Ryeowook asked Kyuhyun, who looked the calmest out of them all.
Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow at him, "Because I'm his boyfriend."
"WHAT?!!" Everyone in the room screamed out in the same time.
Eeteuk looked like he was about to faith, which Sungmin seemed to notice, who lightly tapped his cheek. Shindong and Kangin looked like they'd seen a ghost. This time also, it was only Hankyung and Heechul who didn't look shocked at all. Zhou Mi though, groaned.
"You didn't need to tell them that, Kui Xian."
"Why not?" Kyuhyun smirked, "We've already been going out for a while, and soon more rough things will start to happened. And when they do, they will just hear us so why not warn them?"
"Kui Xian!!" Zhou Mi gasped out.
"Aargh, too much information!!" Kangin growled out.
Henry just sighed, "I knew there was something going on," and Kyuhyun gave him a wide smile.
"But then," Donghae began, "does that mean that you're gay too?" he asked Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun shook his head, then stood up and went to sit beside Zhou Mi. "I'm only gay for this guy right here." he said and ruffled Zhou Mi's hair, who giggled.
Siwon cleared his troath. "But keep it low, will you?" he said seriously, "I'm happy for you and so on, but this can’t come out in public."
"It can't come out in public!! NEVER!!" Eeteuk screamed, startling everyone. This was too much for him to handle right now. What if they came out as a gay couple? The netizens would kill them!
Kyuhyun laughed, "It won't, I promise you. We're sneaky."
Eeteuk didn't calm down one bit, but accepted it.
Heechul then smirked and asked, "Then who's going to top, and who's going to be bottom?"
"HYUNG!" Sungmin cried out, at the same time as Ryeowook held his hands over Henry's ears.
Kyuhyun paled at the question, and Zhou Mi smiled triumphly. "I'm topping!" he said.
It was silent for a while, then everyone broke out laughing loudly.
"Hey! Don't get the wrong idea of me here! I'm not so girly as you think I am!" he said protectively.
Kyuhyun looked down at his hands, and Heechul continued; "Ok ok. So Kyuhyun, you're bottom?"
Kyuhyun looked up at him irritated, "It there something wrong with being a bottom, hyung?"
Heechul laughed, "Well, since Zhou Mi is the stereotype for bottom - yes!"
Kyuhyun smirked, "Zhou Mi is awesome at what he does," he said, and Zhou Mi smiled widely. "Besides you're always bottoming for Hankyung, so I think you understand why I like being bottom." he ended and smirked deviously at Heechul.
Hankyung had stopped breathing, and Heechul looked stunned. It was very rare to see Heechul stunned and once again people in the room understood and got it;
"Wait.. WHAT?! Are you two having sex too?!" Eunhyuk exclaimed out loudly.
Hankyung looked like he wanted to die, Heechul just looked furious.
"Oh didn't you know?" Kyuhyun said to them, "They've been having sex for a loooong time. When did you start, hyung? It was before debut, right?"
Heechul looked like he wanted to kill him, "None of your fucking business."
Shindong then stood up, "I'm going to bed. I don't want to hear this. I think my world just fell apart."
Yesung, Ryeowook and Henry followed and said that they too were going to bed. Kangin also stood up and tried to pull the ultra-shocked leader with him, but he didn't move. In the end he had to lift him up in his arms, and carry him to the bed.
Siwon also stood up, giving them a warm smile, "I hope you'll find happiness with each other." he said then left the room, taking Sungmin with him. Eunhyuk, Donghae and Kibum the only ones staying. Kibum wasn't really listening, as he watched tv, but smiled once in a while at his bandmates now told secrets.
Zhou Mi sighed, "Here I was, coming out of the closet and it all ended up in sexual secrets being told instead."
Kyuhyun took his hand, "But they all accepted you!"
"Ok, if I guess this straight then..." Donghae said, looking thoughtful. "Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun are a couple and Zhou Mi is gay, but Kyuhyun isn't gay - only for Zhou Mi."
Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi nodded.
Donghae continued; "And Heechul-hyung and Hankyung-hyung have been having sex for a long time, but isn't a couple?"
They nodded again.
Donghae nodded back and then turned to Hankyung and Heechul, "Then are you gay too?"
Heechul sighed, "You already know that I'm bisexual, Donghae." he said, then looked at Hankyung. "And this fella is 100% straight."
Donghae looked confused, and Eunhyuk spoke, "So, then Hankyung is like Kyuhyun? Only gay for you?"
Heechul laughed, "Haha, no it's not like that. Kyuhyun is gay, he just won't admit it to himself-"
"Hey!" Kyuhyun complained, "I'm not."
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that." Heechul smirked, "Anyway, Hankyungii isn't gay, he isn't bisexual either. He just loves me and to fuck my sexy ass." Hankyung laughed, and Heechul smiled at him, "Well, I'm right, aren't I?"
Hankyung smiled, "I guess you are."
Kyuhyun groaned, and turned to Zhou Mi, "Please don't turn into a bitch like Heechul, ok?" Zhou Mi laughed and agreed, kissing his cheek.
Donghae sighed, "Then I guess I'm like Hankyung..."
Everyone looked at him.
"Eh, what do you mean by that?" Heechul asked him, brows furrowed.
"Because I love to fuck Eunhyuk's ass too." he said smiling.
"DONGHAE!!" Eunhyuk cried out, putting a hand over his mouth as fast as he could.