Nov 21, 2006 05:55
Tonight... er today. Whatever... is the first day of my week o' midnights.
Why is it that people ask me to do things in the morning on days I work midnights, and not any other mornings?
I get out of here at 6:30 AM (I'm at work now), and I have to take my Nana to a doctor's appointment at 10:30. I don't think I'm going to try sleeping.
And later this week, I have to work Barnes & Noble at 11 AM after getting off at 6:30 too. (Okay, that one is my own fault 'coz I told them they could.)
It's not that I mind having lots to do... plus I'll be making a lot of cash this week, it's just... When I don't have to work all week, and I'm bored out of my mind, there is never ANYTHING going on. Ever. Not even my Nana needing me to take her to the grocery store or something stupid.
*g* I'm not complaining really. Just questioning because it's odd, and I'm tired to the point of being slap-happy. I need a smoke break.