I woke up to find my bed was a colony of bedbugs which have been happily feeding on me for - at least two weeks or so, judging by the amount of babies scuttling around. Making matters worse is the fact they've eaten into my bed frame and mattress, requiring the urgent dumping of these things.
Revenge is in order.
I spent a few happy hours armed with a lighter (don't worry, I didn't burn the house down) cooking the damned things before I felt better. I'd post photos of the slaughter here, along with a few examples of my sadistic streak but they didn't come out very well. Never mind, it's something best left to the imagination. My mum was cool about it - I mean, how many mothers come into a room to find a cackling woman armed with a lighter cooking the bed frame? - and even helped me take the mattress down to the dump. (Now you know what kind of family I have.)
My dear sister blackmailed me into helping her write her contest entry for some international writing competition. Now, I'm not the pushover type but first prize is an all-expenses paid trip to Japan, so... yeah. *drools* Now have to waffle on about technology for a few hours or so.
Since the fates are so obviously against me today, I'm retreating from RL and declaring a day of writing. Yep.
Expect much by the end of the day *grins*
Oh yeah - something cute happened. Now, I keep my writing life and normal life separate - can you imagine how awkward it is to have someone from school read your romance stories? But recently, I posted links to LJ and FF.net on my RL blog, because nobody reads it nowadays.
A friend of mine happened to be talking to me (note: the same person who I convinced there was a fifth Inuyasha movie) and the talk turned to fanfiction, because her sister is an addict.
Me: *excited* So do you read and write fanfiction too?
Her: Me? No.
Me: *disappointed* Oh.
Her: You write, don't you?
Me: *shocked* How'd you - oh yeah, the links from my blog.
Her: Yeah. I read some of your stuff.
Me: *absolutely bowled over* You did?!
Her: Yeah. It was good. You write well...
Me: O_O
Her: ... but why do you write for Inuyasha?! It's so old and outdated!
Me: The manga ended last June.
Her: Yeah, but it started like when???
Me: If you mean write Bleach and Naruto fanfiction... I think there are more than enough people out there for these fandoms. I'm not alone, ya know. There're plenty of people out there writing.
Her: ... Okay. *mumbles under her breath* Dog ears are not sexy...
Me: *draws Hiraikotsu out of nowhere and clouts her over the head*
Okay... the last part did not happen (obviously). I love my fandom too much to give it up, or even care about commentary.