A Quick Update

Apr 19, 2009 20:03

Okay... RL getting a little insane right now. The one and only weekend I go abroad and not one, not two, not three, but four people start looking for me. Which is bad, because I have to pay double for international roaming. Result? My phone's out of cash (I use prepaid). *sighs*

After a lovely non-holiday (too much seafood, I think I'm finished), the real world is coming down with a loud crash. Maybe when I catch a bit of breathing space, I'll post some nice photos here. *grins*

Anyway, I most likely won't be online much over this week because:
1) I agreed to relieve a friend relief teaching at my old secondary school from Monday to Wednesday;
2) I have to rush my illustrations becuase my genius author brought forward the launch date to next month;
3) I need to help my friend get her visa done so we can go New Zealand - not to mention the air tickets and other miscellany traveling entails;
4) not to mention cooking, cleaning and general Cinderella-esque chores to do around the house.

Writing falls to the very bottom of my list. Even that is kind of long:
1) Write a oneshot for iy_blind (I got the story planned out already) 
2) Prompts for iy_wiltedrose , mirsan_fics  and firsttweak 
3) Write both the next chapter of TGONTG and the bonus chapter I promised my BB (if you're reading this, feel guilty but excited because it's going to be great)
4) Finish Rokujou. There's only two chapters left to be written before the whole thing is done.

Now, before I disappear, here's a meme I ganked from eggplantlady , landofthekwt  and roxotaku .

Ask me a question about one of my fanfictions. It can be absolutely anything in any fic and I will tell you the honest-to-god answer. Don’t hold back. Ask about major upcoming plot points if you want to. Whatever you ask, I have to answer truthfully.

pissed, fandom, fanfiction, stressed

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