I was going to post again last night but I didn't get around to it so here goes:
GOOD THINGS from yesterday:
1. I watched Key's monologue and it was just what I needed after a super crappy day.
2. One of the photocopiers at work (all of which are malfunctioning) worked for the whole time that I had to copy a ton of stuff and then promptly shut down once I was done. Lucky break~
3. The cd player part of my stereo (which has been giving trouble for months) magically started working fine last week when I tried to play my SHINee World cd.
4.I finally stopped procrastinating and wrote the review of IU's first mini-album that I planned to do forever - read it
5. Today I stayed home from work because I was sick and finally got a chance to relax.
For all these things, I am very grateful. Thank you.
Bye bye,