Title: Under the Moonlight
Featuring: Lee Chaerin (CL), Kwon Jiyong (GD)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Perhaps, she was the only one who was infatuated with him."
Lee Chaerin gazed out into the darkness of the night.
The sky was littered with stars, as if someone had spilled a bag of diamonds across the horizon. However, as beautiful as they are, the stars did not catch her attention. Her shining eyes lingered on the beautiful orb, shining powerfully in the midnight.
The moon was full tonight, and seemed to take up half of the sky with its presence. The moon appeared not white, but more of a powerful diamond shade that shone through the darkness. The moonlight shone through the wide-open curtains and it bounced off the marble floor, giving the room an almost magical glow.
Chaerin sat on the cold marble floor and continued gazing at the subtle beauty of it all. As she stared, she couldn’t help but think that, despite the moon’s radiance shone upon the earth, it appeared to her that it was mocking her. It was mocking her with a powerful smirk, as if to imply that all of the sadness she was feeling right now was nothing but stupidity.
“Are you mocking me too?” she muttered sadly.
Chaerin turned away from the sky, and to the phone that was lying on her lap. It vibrated once and it was followed by a flash on the screen, indicating that she had just received a text message. With its’ faint light casting a slight glow to her face, she picked it up and pressed a few buttons to open the message.
6th December 2009 5.30a.m.
Why aren’t you replying me? Are you okay?
You seemed down since the last time I saw you backstage before we left the stadium.
Are you sick? Please reply. I’m worried about you.
Like a trigger, the message awakened the feelings she had been shutting off for the last four hours.
Chaerin quickly flipped her phone shut and hugged her knees tightly, trying to suppress the tears that were already escaping her eyes.
I’m not supposed to be feeling this way... I’m not supposed to be feeling anything at all... Yet, why does it hurt so much?
Flashbacks from the concert a few hours before invaded her mind for the umpteenth time that night, sending her off the edge. Images of him having his arm around her best friend, of him resting his chin on her shoulder, of them holding hands, of them smiling happily at each other as they both performed ‘Hello’ flashed in her mind.
The images acted like acid, slowly eating away her already dying soul.
Chaerin knew that there was nothing to be jealous about, nothing to be sad about and absolutely nothing to cry over. Yet, she was everything but calm as she watched them perform from backstage. She remembered the violent trembling of her fingers and the excruciating ache in her chest. As she avoided all of their practices before that, everything about that performance that night hit her hard. She knew that her sweet Dara unnie held no feelings for him and that it was obviously all for ‘business’.
But she can’t help but feel that maybe, Jiyong really did have feelings for her best friend.
Perhaps, she was the one who was oversensitive that she saw Jiyong steal a few glances at her when she came out of the dressing room, decked in that revealing swimsuit when they were getting ready for The Leaders performance last night.
Perhaps, she was the one who was overconfident that Jiyong really did like her more than a friend.
Perhaps, she was the only one who was infatuated with him.
As she lifted her eyes to face the scrutiny of the moonlight, a tear cascaded down her cheek.
God damned her heart.