Sep 22, 2006 23:51
I am so tired of hating myself for being lazy and unmotivated. I hate myself most of all for having been - and being - a neglectful friend.
Keeping in touch has never been a strong suit of mine, but in these next weeks I am going to see what can be salvaged from the networks of people who've provided the lion's share of my social existence for the past half a decade. To all of them - to most of you - I apologize, and I hope I can find something good with old friends again, even if it's only through words on screen and paper.
Maybe it'll only be one missive a day, but I'd rather start small, because I don't want this post to be another empty assurance. Well - here I am. Rock me like a hurricane!
(And WTF is up with the dozens of crazy LJ addons? I mean, I guess I can see how it might be helpful to include a quick "emo" checkbox under Common Interests, but endless fiddling with journal aesthetics is not my cup of tea.)