
Nov 16, 2005 14:59

I want to know why I am late to virtually everything despite my best efforts to the contrary, why I have no fantasies of anything, why I no longer enjoy much save eating, sleeping and reading articles about gruesome plane crashes.

If I choose the words for my JET essay with exquisite care, I may be all right. But we can only see.

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jai November 16 2005, 23:00:16 UTC
JET accepts anyone and anything, don't worry in the least about it.


flamingophoenix November 17 2005, 01:41:41 UTC
Whee! Optimism!

(The one person I know that JET rejected, I'm actually mainly glad they rejected, so it's all good.) (Plus I think Jen is more qualified than he was.)


jai November 17 2005, 02:01:54 UTC
I dunno that I could call it so much optimism as disdain, really. Most of the people I was in JET with were barely qualified to breathe, and I really hope they never have children. For me, one of the hardest parts of JET was putting up with the other ALTs.


flamingophoenix November 17 2005, 03:32:34 UTC

My boyfriend got rejected this past year--he's an East Asian Studies major and had 3 years of Japanese, so I had guessed they have much-more-hardcore people applying. But eh, whatever.

At least getting rejected because you're capable of breathing is not so bad. ;-)

Hm. You're not Charles, are you?


yumi November 17 2005, 05:40:05 UTC
(a) They don't just look at your Japanese/Asia-related credentials. Far from it, sadly.

(b) She is an old friend of mine.


jai November 17 2005, 13:35:13 UTC
Actually they do look at them, and go "We don't want this person because they don't suck!" No, I think honestly it makes them feel torn, because they are convinced you will speak to the kids in Japanese, which, OHNOES, might help them understand class better, but they also know you are 99% less likely to quit before your contract expires.

So I imagine you'll get put out in the stix; everyone I know who speaks Japanese and has been there before did. And Lesley is leaving this year so maybe you can have her job with those Ikikou bastards.


jai November 17 2005, 13:32:28 UTC
They actually PREFER if you don't speak a freaking word of Japanese; they accept people like me who speak a lot of it solely, I swear, so that we can interpret for everyone else. It was honestly a lot of the reason I left; I kept getting told to do extra work by my bosses because I was the only ALT who could speak, read and write Japanese and none of our bosses spoke more than exremely rudimentary English.

I dunno who Charles is, but....not it!


lilannan November 17 2005, 15:05:52 UTC
Charles is someone you may or may not want to meet. Currently in Yamanashi-ken doing stuff that I am probably better off no knowing about.


fenlings November 19 2005, 05:27:30 UTC
OMG icon love!


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