Nov 16, 2005 14:59
I want to know why I am late to virtually everything despite my best efforts to the contrary, why I have no fantasies of anything, why I no longer enjoy much save eating, sleeping and reading articles about gruesome plane crashes.
If I choose the words for my JET essay with exquisite care, I may be all right. But we can only see.
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(The one person I know that JET rejected, I'm actually mainly glad they rejected, so it's all good.) (Plus I think Jen is more qualified than he was.)
My boyfriend got rejected this past year--he's an East Asian Studies major and had 3 years of Japanese, so I had guessed they have much-more-hardcore people applying. But eh, whatever.
At least getting rejected because you're capable of breathing is not so bad. ;-)
Hm. You're not Charles, are you?
(b) She is an old friend of mine.
So I imagine you'll get put out in the stix; everyone I know who speaks Japanese and has been there before did. And Lesley is leaving this year so maybe you can have her job with those Ikikou bastards.
I dunno who Charles is, but....not it!
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