BB2009; The Wildest Swan (behind the scenes)

Jul 31, 2009 17:20

Fic title: The Wildest Swan
Author name: seleneheart  
Artist name: yumezaka
Genre: RPS, AU
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: story:NC-17, art:R

So this wil be a sort of "behind the scenes" or "making of" post.
Anyone who hasn't read the story I highly recommend it!! IT IS WONDERFUL.
Unless you have a serious disliking for RPS, AU, fairytales or folk tales, slash, or m/m sex I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time!

The rest below are rambles and roughs with rants. All pictures can be enlarged by clicking.

Everything actually started to roll on the claiming day.
I was going through the long, long list of summaries and getting sleepy.
You can tell I'm not very good at maintaining concentration.
But the moment I set eyes on the summary on this one it just *clicked*.

I've been very lucky that it wasn't claimed yet and feel very blessed to be able to work with such a wonderful writer.
Many thanks and deep gratitude to Seleneheart who has put up with me, responded swiftly and positively,
and all the freedom she gave me. It has been a delightful process.
Of course the story itself just gave me more and more ideas and I just couldn't catch up with all the things I wanted to do.
I think I only managed around 2/3 of what I originally wanted to do. Yeah, I'm a slow worker even when it's just for fun.

so the following are finish art work material before combination.

*title art final artwork
    non logo version. the title and credits were added later.
    I couldn't find a good looking font for the title so I tried something on my own. Which looked very out- of-date and horrible.
    I ended up consulting Seleneheart for any recommendations and she directed me to this wonderful site with suggestions
    for the fonts she likes. I ended up tweeking the original fonts a bit to fit it into the artwork.
      fonts used for the title art is: black chancery

*J2 final art from *enter Lucifer* (the right part)
      the rejected version of the princes with stubble below

  both the writer and I agreed that stubble DOES NOT suit my style. LOL

*material for *knifedance*
     before I combined it all and turned it into something dreamy

character design and colour samples

*Prince Jared main costume line art
     no tattoos yet as it wasn't confirmed at this stage

Jared carries a double bladed sword and one long blade knife.
The long knife is one of a pair and the other one is on Jensen's belt.
the ones used in the *knifedance*

*colour patterns
   file names from right; black, black&red, brown

the black colour pattern was used for the *knifedance*
the brown was used for Jared's plain clothes in *enter Jared*
black&red became the basic colouring for Jared
I wanted a warm colour oppisite to Jensen's main colour but brown seemed too casual for me.

*Jared with fur cloak

the story descibed the cloak being beige so only one colour sample
 I originally planned on putting the seals of Lucifer on the metal clasps but dropped it in the end.
 Thought it might be too much unnecessary detail.

*Jared's tatoo

this is the tatoo design chosen by the writer
 for some insane reason the right and left arm indication are wrong.
 this design is based on Japanese writing ; right arm says " child of dawn(daybreak) Lucifer" ,left arm says"light bearer Lucifer"
 and for some reason it says daylight where it should be daybreak. what was wrong with me??

*hairstyle suggestion roughs
      I guess it's easy to tell what the writer chose

*Prince Jensen ; main costume line art and colour pattern

the long knife Jensen carries is one of a pair that belongs to Jared. So they are actually carrying matching blades. *snicker*
As for Jensen's colour pattern, for some reason I could only image blue.
I wanted a warm colour as well and finally came up with the one on the right.
It turned out I used blue for the main as originally planned.
but was able to use the other colour pattern for Jensen before he started the journey
the file name is "jensen white" because it was originally white but it turned into a more cream yellow to gold to achieve a warmer look.

*Jensen with cloak

    colour is sort of a royal blue and imaged a thick,heavy material.
    this is actually a triangular shaped cloak but Jensen wears it diagonally to hide his wing.
    it originally had a hood but  removed it as there seemed no real reason to have one.

*roughs for the title art
      again you can tell which one the writer chose

*roughs for the 3 witches and Lucifer

*rejects and image roughs  aka  Hall of Shame

*rejected because it was too "modern" compaired to the others
*rejected final art; just couldn't get the face expression right, so only the boating part

*roughs to get the feel of characters (presentable ones, there are more that are just "argh!!")

*rejected tatoo patterns

 I was also thinking of one using runes but couldn't work out a convincing one.

So that's about it.
You can tell how much trouble I am.
So much gratitude to Seleneheart for gong through all this with me and her confidence in me!

fanart, digital art, the wildest swan, au, big bang 2009 art

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