I'm not going to spoil anything plot-wise of Inuyasha, Final Act, so go ahead and read. Of course, nothing in that anime's spoiler since the manga is over- unless you seriously have yet to finish the manga. Which, if your a fan, would be pretty pathetic. What have you been waiting for?
Other then the fact 20 chapters of Inuyasha were crammed into one episode- I have one serious complaint, because it doesn't look right at all.
I've handled the Detective Conan cast having 90% of their eye colors changed well enough- It was sort of odd pretty much everyone had blue eyes anyways.
No, what's driving me crazy is that in Inuyasha: Final Act, they changed Kagome's hair color.
Her eyes are supposed to be/originally were blue.
NOT her freaking hair!!!
THAT DOES NOT WORK! -flail- Nevermind the cramming 20 chapters into ONE FREAKING EPISODE (DARN YOU SUNRISE!)