I'm happy yesterday morning because my Shige NEWS Winter Party concert uchiwa arrived already. But then, I don't know what happened today...
(The first two pictures are re enactment due to my "surprise".)
I didn't notice it at first not until I get something from my drawer.
There's something wrong, and when I took off the red metal book end off.
Look what made me surprised...
At first glance, I thought my News Color LE cd is spared but then...
To my horror, the cd case was broken...
Luckily my NEWS Happy Birthday LE unopened cd is safe. But argh...I really want to shout out my frustration but I didn't. I don't know maybe I'll just replace the broken cd case with a new one or even buy a new NEWS Color LE to one of the local sellers out there...But not now, I already have some pending orders and I don't think my savings can handle the cost of buying another cd...
Anyway, I'm still dizzy because of my timing marathon. I'm also a bit frustrated with some things happening around me...I really sacrifice my free time just to do some timing and I'm not even able to watch tv for sometime...But at least I can watch the local drama during late night as I have a short break from the computer...
People haven't replied to my email yet...T T I'm still waiting but I can't wait "Eternally" / / . . \\