I had a dream about this guy tonight...
Lmao, I don't even want to know why, considering I didn't watch this series for a long time, and he is also not my favourite Gundam-character ever (or even in this series). xD
Though he is my second favourite in that show, so it's okay, I guess. ♥~
The dream was weird and totally conflicted with the canon, but ooookay.
Other than that, I am totally addicted to watch FFVI-opera-stuff, some of the real performances are really all kinds of awesome and I just love watching them.
Aaaand, I listened to the two drama-cds starring Dearka, Yzak and Athrun. Lawl, I love this trio, it's so hilarious. It's like:
Yzak: ò.ó *angry with everyone*
Athrun: :| *why always me*
Dearka: ): *you don't even know the half of it*
Nah, it's really cute how Dearka fears for his life and goes all: I'll probably have to change the room and never does and ends always up standing between those two. His patience is golden. xD
Or when Athrun fears Yzak, lmao. I really love, love Yzak. xD
In the end he is one most true to himself in Seed, I think.