Secretly, the JET program application process is designed to weed out those with heart or nervous conditions. It takes forever, and keeps you in a place of suspense for about 4 months. But it's not only that, it's the little tricks they apparently pull along the way.
I just got my "self-addressed-stamped confirmation card/envelope." When I saw this phrase, I thought it meant "this is the thing we will use to contact you and let you know whether or not you passed the first hurdle." So imagine my dismay at seeing it a month and a half early.
Thoughts: OHSHITIFUCKEDUPOSHITIFUCKEDUPOHSHITIFUCKEDUP they totally hated my bitchy 15 year old passport photo...
It's actually a "hey, we totally got your application, haha it's so funny how you panicked just now" envelope. Those dirty bastards.
I've been watching this
video over and over, so in my head, the JET people are totally run by GLaDos (the psychotic computer singing the song). I'm sure I'll calm down eventually.