2014年2月4日 KちゃんNEWS

Feb 09, 2014 08:33

K - Good evening! I'm NEWS' Koyama Keiichiro. Well, it's February now and Tegomasu's album was released as well. He must have been pretty busy before and after the release... Masshu!
M - Yeah!
K - Yeah!
M - Hello, good evening, Konbanmi
K - Were you busy?
M - No, not at all
K - you're kidding
M - I'm watching Every at home
K - you're always saying it. you had recordings for the music shows, right?
M - I'm glad we were invited to appear in various of them this time
K - On Music Station, Tegoshi-san said that he goes snowboarding with Hyde-san. I was watching it and thought that it's amazing. He's going snowboarding with Hyde-san
M - Because I wasn't asked I didn't say it, but I'm going to ski a lot as well
K - Is it ok to say a thing about the inside of Music Station? We're doing quite a lot of meetings, right. Almost for an hour. As the result, we're going for the actual show, but there are times when neither of the things we discussed during the meetings are in the script, right
M - from the overall discussion they pick just one thing. The one that was the most interesting and catchy
K - Probably they have a moment during the meetings when they see what they can use at the time
M - they're reaction is good
K - well, this time it was Tegoshi's story. Well, I think there are a lot of things, but from 15th the tour  will start as well, I'll ask about it later.And because there was the Setsubun Day (the last day of winter), let's listen to Sayaendo.

M - The ogre out! The fortune in! You must eat the exact number of beans as the number of your age! Massu- Okko (Angry Massu)
K - Why did we have the eat the same amount of beans as our age?
M - Because it's good
K - It's good? (laughs) That's amazingly vague
M - It's a good omen
K - How do you know?
M - Because that's what we have been told. That's how it is. It's the same as you mustn't cut your nails at night.
K - Next year I'll have to eat 30 beans. I'll eat quite a lot. Do you remember the origin of this corner, Massu Okko?
M - Yeah, I get angry, right?
K - even though you don't actully get angry much. Katuharu-san, from Kanagawa-ken

"Massu, good evening. I have a really healthy body, but when I was a high-school student I faked that I was feeling bad in front of the boy that I liked and I have been taken to the school infirmary by him. In the end I was able to become his girlfriend. Massu, get angry at me, who was lying."

M - It's bad to tell lies, ne.
K - That's right, it's bad to lie
M - Shige is kind of making himself look like he's caught a cold
K - He's got this side that it's like "look at how cool I am having a cold"
M - Something like "nnh" (sound of clearing his throat)
K - He always does that but he's voice never changes
M - He's voice is hoarse from the start so it seems that no one knows when he has a cold
K - He'll get mad at us. But she became his girlfriend so her strategy won.
M - Amazing, ne
K - Let's go on. Chizupi-san from Tokyo.

"Lately I've started working in a cafe, but I mistyped at cash register and an old man said to me "It's annoying that you're ugly and also stupid". I got angry at the word "ugly" so I put a lot more ice in his ice coffee. The truth is I'm bad with the cash register so I'm reconsidering that.  Massu, get angry with me."

M - This isn't something to get angry with. That old man is annoying
K - What's with that old man. He's awful. That's right
M - I hate that
K - That's fine, ne, no one would get angry. She put up with it well
M - She didn't throw well the ice
K - You're amazing. But that's true, you can't oppose it otherwise than to increase a lot the ice ratio or something
M - Probably he caught a cold, ne
K - That's right, he must have got cold. Then, please say a nice thing. From time to time, even though this is "Angry Massu"
M - I'm sorry
K - Why's that? (laughs) Like that,it will become that you were the one who said it.
M - After all, someone has to apologize
K - You're giving an example
M - That's right, I'm giving the example and apologize
K - As expected, the kindness is overflowing. I'm going to the ext one. MinimaYuriko-san from Nagasaki-ken

"Massu, good evening. When I was in 6th grade of primary school, me and a relative of the same age thought about burying a time capsule, so we wrote a letter for ourselves when we'll be 20 years old and put it in a bottle. I was told to bury it close to my house but it's still on my desk."

M - {laughs)
K - This is awful (laughs). So she did it when she was in 6th grade and now she's 16 years old
M - Then there's 4 years left?
K - That's right. If she buries it at the last moment  she won't be found or, even though she buries it at the last moment, when they dig it out it will be like "Oh, this is so clean. There isn't much dirt on it". So it was on the desk for 4 years
M - it's funny
K - if you were the one who requested it, what would you think?
M - It would be embarrassing
K - It would be, wouldn't it. What should she do about this time capsule, Massu?
M - The time capsule? She should let it the way it is
K - Oppositely. You'd just say "I haven't buried it"
M - Oppositely, when they'll be 20 and they go to dig it up, to take it with her. Like "What?!" With no dirt, as clean as it is.
K - Then the girl who requested it will be like "What?!"
M - " Truth is I haven't buried it yet!"
K - It's long! It's so long until saying "I haven't buried it yet"
M - There's a state to go and bury it, ne. Like "Shouldn't I have buried it when we were 20?" That...
K - That careless mistake.
M - The carelessness
K - She carelessly thought that for 8 years? Really? That's long
M - Saying "Here, I brought it!"
K - This is amazing, doesn't it become a hindrance in her room, I wonder?
M - On the contrary she might put money in it, and use it as a savings box
K - Well, we can't get angry. This is funny. Well, that's all. It has been "Massu Okko"

K - Keiichiro's room
M - Yeah
K - So, I'd like to talk about Tegomasu's new album "Tegomasu no Seishun" and the tour
M - Yes
K - The album, I have received it just now
M - You bought it?
K - I didn't. I received it
M - Ah, from J
K - Which is what?
M - The stylish one is
K - Both are stylish
M - The thin one is the regular version, and this one is the first-press version
K - the regular version has the song that both of you have composed, right? Tsuki no Tomodachi.
M - You know about it!
K - The last time, when Tegoshi came he said that it's Massu's world at full throttle
M - Really? I hold back this time
K - Is it ok to look at it for the first time?
M - Sure, look, look
K - This is so much like Massu. Is it ok to say the first line? "My dad is amazing, he has friends on the Moon" I don't think there are a lot of people who start the A melody with this
M - The people who made the arrangement, like Chino-san from our band, said that it's striking.
K - It is...
M - There hasn't been something like this until now
K - The 2nd chorus "My mom is amazing. She makes a lot of curry" Amazing "I eat it in 3 days" Wonderful, I want to hear this
M - We quarrel about the big dreams or the little bluffs we did as kids. Saying "I'm cool". It wasn't embarrassing for us to have such big dreams and tell them out loud, but now when we're adults isn't it embarrassing to have such dreams and talk about them to others? On the inside it includes such a meaning of "let's dream big", but on the outward it hears like messing around
K - the peculiarity of Massu's lyrics is that the inside world view is very distinct
M - I have to explain it just in case. They'll say "he's fooling around"
K - But you're not fooling around
M - that's right
K - the album that includes this song too is now on sale but, but from 2/15 the all-country tour will start
M - I'm happy
K - Here it came. Are you doing the meetings?
M - We're already doing rehearsals. The meetings are about done
K - Tegoshi said that he wants the audience to listen calmly when there is such a part and to get excited at those parts, there are this points of the concerts, right?
M - from all the concerts we have done until now, probably the structure of this one is the most calm
K - I don't know, but there are parts when they wave their uchiwa or the penlights, but there's also those songs that we want them to listen calmly right?
M - A Tegomass concert has less feeling of people waving their uchiwa than a News concert.
K -  that's right
M - There are lot of people who put their uchiwa aside
K - That makes it easy to see. An adult mood
M - we're creating, ne. An adult's shade, is overflowing, ne
K - Osaka, Nagano, Hokkaido, Yokohama, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Nagoya. Let's go somewhere!
M - besides Yokohama
K - besides Yokohama? really? it takes place during the weekend in various places right?
M - Every will be fine, in some way or another
K - it won't be! but I'll come to see you somewhere. now we'll listen to a song, and because we were talking about it
M - well, it's fine to put on the one that Koyama is interested in
K - well, the one about Masuda-san's world
M - Can it be? Tsuki no Tomodachi?
K- that's right
M - By the way, it's a very lovely album that if you look at it in general it has the "youth" as theme, but because the last song has the feeling of a missile, it will be something to listen that as main.
K - So it will be better to listen to it as a missile song
M - if you listen to the whole album I think you'll understand that it's about youth, it's a warm and good album, but based on everything you'll see, it's this kind of youth. Like "My youth is this kind of powerful weapon. Like a ball with a change of speed
K - I got it
M - Like,  I threw a ball with a change of speed without looking where I throw it
K - you mean that they shouln't judge the album by only this song, right? Through all the album it's the youth theme
M - Is like that, on the contrary. Like, it wold have been better if it wasn't on the same album
K - I got pretty much looking forward to it, if it amassed to this. Here you go, Tegomasu - Tsuki no Tomodachi

K - So this will be the 4th tour for Tegomasu, ne
M - That's right. But it has the feeling of "only the 4th"
K - How long have you been forming "Tegomasu"
M - for about 7-8 years
K - thinking like that it's only the 4th
M - It has been quite a time since last time
K - the title of the live is "Tegomasu no Seishun" as well
M - that's tight, it's "Tegomasu 4th Live, Tegomasu no Seishun"
K - the playguide has also been  decided for sale
M - please come
K - Look on the Johnny's page
K - It has been News' Koyama Keiichiro
M - and Masuda Takahisa

radio translation

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