Nov 04, 2008 16:36
So I went to the mosq and ate with that guy I met at the Friday, since he pretty much could tell I was nervous. He's surprisingly nice. Then the next day I talked to him over MSN and I don't know how, but he decided to share his man crushes with me and how he wants to have Sylars manbabies. (I'm still not sure if he's serious or teasing me.) Interesting. xD So he showed me some music he liked from one of his mancrushes.
Then today I infultrated the group that hangs out near the stairs. See, a few weeks ago I noticed some guy with blue streaks in his hair wold always sit by this spot near the stairs, and then sometimes I'd see one of my friends sit there too. So the past few times I hung out with my friend because class ended early or was cancelled, he took me to sit at the stairs and I realized it's some sort of group. And blue-haired boy is really nice. Before he left, he head-butted my back which apparently he does. And then everyone else was nice and introduced themselves and I played these strange card games with them while I waited for my class. Somewhat-creepy boy kept making penis and Your Mama jokes, but he talked to me a lot too. And some of the girls helped me cheat at the card game.. so I think when I have nothing else to do, I'll hang out over there. xD