Ino's Picture Story 2

Dec 14, 2006 12:53

Remember previously I did a " Ino's Picture Story"? Well~ here's another one, it's also 1-liners alongside w/pix. And yeah~ I think this can be considered the 'sequel' to "Ino's Picture Story", I guess.

I got the ideas/feelings when I saw a scene of a CF that my colleague did for GOONG(Princess Hours), on TV. So after some arrangement & etc... here I present to all... Ino's Picture Story 2!

Ever wonder what's the saddest moment in life?
The moment when he lets go of your hand... When you are just next to him, but he can't see you... Meeting the right person at the wrong time... You have to let go of him, so that he can soar a higher sky... He died at the moment when you realised that you loved him so much... You lost to his memories... You can't recall any single bit of memories between you & him... It's already the end, before it even started...

Back then, I was a kid always playing among fields of flowers...

Sometimes I stare aimlessly at the water...

Until you came running to me one day...

You told me to be with you forever...

I believed in you~ we held on to each other from that day onwards...

You love to capture me quietly from behind...

You taught me how to cycle...

We grew up so in love together...

You would always come shelter me from the rain...

We love to hang out at the beach especially...

We made so many promises there...

Of us turning old together...

Until one fateful sunrise...

After a romantic dinner that night, you broke the news to me...

You turn your back on me...

And left me with the house we called 'OUR HOME'...

You didn't even want to take one last look at me...

I found myself trapped...

What have I done wrong?? I'm down on my kneels...

You left without an explanation...

My world suddenly came tumbling down on me...

I tried to search for a reason...

I dazed out trying hard to know why...

I waited for your return at the bus stop...

I waited for you at the train station...

I waited for you at the bridge near our house...

I prayed for your return...

I took a train to your old house...

I walked the barren land in search of you...

I search the hills too...

I finally saw you, but you told me it's over...

I don't believe~ what is the meaning of this...

I want to go back to the days filled with joy & love...

I want to watch all my sunrise with you...

I want your sweet shelter from the rain...

I want you back on those laps of mine...

What did I do wrong? Tell me please...

Or was it simply I lost to your memories...

Your memories of her...

I really lost...

My world stopped moving...

Everything became monotone...

I cried... holding onto the last bouquet you gave me...

Should I jump? I still see no sign of you...

I miss your scent of love...

Did you see the sign? I left on your car...

Will you come back to me?? I have a vision of you...


Don't leave me alone...

*** y u m e g o k o c h i ***
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